The Pulse Spring 2008

I read the issue and was so thrilled to see something that I can purchase for when I am in a car and the seat belt hurts my chest where my pacemaker is. Also the comfortHer bra strap is also something I really need. My pacemaker is big and parts kinda bulge out of my chest.........They say I need this size because I have a three lead one and this one makes both sides of my heart work in unison. I also have obstructive cardiomyopathy and my heart does not fill as a normal heart will......Have to live with this. This is my second pacemaker and I had the first one for over 6 years.....I still get short of breath but that is from the heart disease itself.....Anyway I love reading all the postings and would love to hear from others. I am a senior citizen of 74........Thanks. Joan



by maryanne - 2008-04-26 01:04:44

Hello Joan.....

Welcome to the club! I am on my fourth pacemaker...I had my first one when I was 23....I can relate to the discomfort you experience with the seatbelt......have you tried just wrapping a small towel around the seat belt strap? If you haven't give it a try it might save you some money. As far at the three leads go.....I to have three leads...but that is because I had to have one replaced...they don't remove the old ones as they adhere to the heart tissue and you don't want to be removing any heart tissue to get the lead the alternative is to disconnect it reconnect the new lead and the old lead just stays this can also increase bulk at the pacemaker my case when they did this...they had to go back in and readjust both the pacemaker and the lead as the lead had migrated over my pacmaker and it looked like it was going to burst out of my skin....It does take awhile to ajust to a pacemaker, but I would rather that than the alternative.

All the best to you Joan and I look forward to seeing future posts. Cheers :)


by hturatram - 2008-04-26 02:04:43

Hi Joan and others who have commented,
At 84 years old, I seem to be the most senior senior. My
implant was done last February and I know very little about it compared to most people. I had/have A fib
and finally my meds weren't helping, just slowing my pulse to less than my usual 60. I was tired all the time;
old age increased it. I am allergic to fabrics except cotton, some silks and rayons so I just tape some squares of cotton gauze to my bra strap. When I am home all day, I go bra-less, wearing a camisole under my tee shirt; with a 32 A size, it isn't noticeable. I keep the car seat belt under my arm, which isn't recommended, but it works. I am very short, just under five feet and weigh 98 about little old ladies. I have not resumed all my activities, especially exercising. I still don't feel up to it. Good luck to all of you. Marta


by cottontop - 2008-04-26 07:04:46

I am 50 yrs.old.But there are times I feel like at least 20 yrs, older. I have a dual pacemaker but with several other heart problems it is the least of my problems. I also have restrictive cardiomyopathy so I understand you just have to try to cope. Mine is idopathic so there is not anything they can really do for it. If it continues to get worse then they have to do a heart transplant. I try not to dwell on it. Somtimes it is tough when I read about people on here back getting almost back to normal or they were up and around days after they got there pacemaker. Boy,not me. Rough recovery. I has been one long road that isn't going anywhere. Enough with my pity party! Glad you joined us and hope to talk to you again.

God bless you,



by NH - 2008-04-26 12:04:52

Hi Joan,

I want to welcome you to the club. I have not seen you post before and so want to welcome you.

I am 64 and retired also. I love retirement and am so thankful for my PM.

Hope to see you post more often.

Take care,

You know you're wired when...

Lifetime warranty no longer gives peace of mind.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker was installed in 1998 and I have not felt better. The mental part is the toughest.