How to sleep comfortable with my pacemaker.

I have had many pacers and never experienced the pain I have with this one. It moves in the pocket a lot so when I sleep it causes me a lot of pain. Does anyone else have this problem and or know of anyways I can sleep without causing myself so much pain.


sleeping with the PM

by natandhop - 2012-05-06 02:05:30

Hi Pacegirl, I primarily sleep on my back but I have a wedge under my legs as well as a gradual one for my upper back and head (I have lower back pain and this helps). I then have pillows on either side of me to prop my arms on (this is left over from when I first came home from surgery and I still like it.

During the night, I carefully roll over to either side and the pillows are waiting for me. I can't be as curled up on my side as I once did as I can feel the PM, so I kinda lean back a bit as I'm on my side. I don't stay here for very long as I also have sciatica. woo, hoo!

Hope this helps and I wish you well,

My PM moves too,

by sue uk - 2012-05-06 02:05:53

I have been doing lots of physical stuff in the garden & it is quite sore (not painful though) & it has moved on its side again which it does all the time especially when lying down but not very often when l am "upright".
l dont know what the answer is !!! my cardio accused me of playing with it when l asked him,so no joy there,l am also "big on top" so maybe that is the problem but like boochance said these things should be dealt with before not when its "too late" just wish they had planted mine a bit deeper.
Good luck & l really hope they can help you out as l said l just get sore but if you are in pain something needs to be done !!!
Sue x

Doesn't sound right to me

by ElectricFrank - 2012-05-06 11:05:19

You've had enough experience with pacers to know when it doesn't feel right. My guess is that they didn't suture the pacemaker down in the pocket as the implant instructions require. This has come up periodically on the forum and for some reason certain surgeons are stuborn or lazy about it.

The Medtronics implant manual mentions that failure to suture can result in an moving pacemaker which can be painful. It can let the rougher area of the pacer where the leads install press on sensitive tissue or nerves.

I would call the doc who did the changeover and tell them it is not normal.

good luck,


Pain from pacemaker

by boochance - 2012-05-06 12:05:13

I have had my one and only pacemaker for a little over two years. Being a woman with fairly large breasts I found I can only sleep on my right side hugging a pillow. The doctor who put in my PM said he was putting it under some muscle tissue, not just under the skin where it is very visible like with some people. That doctor left the area and I asked the cardiologist I now have and he said that he would have cut deeper and put the PM right on the ribs under all muscle and tissue in that area and I would not get the discomfort from various sleeping positions as I do now. He said he will do that when it needs replacing. Since my battery shows it has 9 years left and I am now 73, I can't get too excited at the prospect of that since it's years away. It isn't worth the risk of moving it now and I agree. Any woman needs to discuss with her doctor PM positioning causing pain/discomfort from before she has it put in. Wish I had known to do that. Maybe your doctor can do something to move yours since it is so painful. Good luck to you.

I understand

by tcrabtree85 - 2012-05-07 04:05:03

Hey Lady,
I haven't talked to you in a while and will need to catch up soon with you. I agree with Frank. Though, I am guessing you have already talked to the Dr about it not feeling the same. My guess is they did something similar with your pacer that they did mine. If I remember correctly we also have the same pacer.
Mine is back to sitting up in the air and just hurting if I move the wrong way at night. What happens and I am sure you're similar to me and use that are a lot and move things. My Dr said sutures don't stay for very long and this pacer is different than the last and if they place in same pocket you could have extra space in it.
For me the fix is going in and have it sutured down which they have stated very clear that they won't do and it's too risky. Since, I have had so many complications. Wish they understood the discomfort it causes mostly at night. I recommend getting one of those neck pillows that have the beads in them. I use that at night. I also have a normal one of the bead pillows on my side so if I roll my chest falls into it instead of being able to move as much. It helps to a certain degree.
I think though, since you're healthy they should go in and fix that pacer.

Love ya and miss you!

ElectricFrank is right.

by climber - 2012-05-07 06:05:34

Don't just put up with this, get it sorted by your doctors. You're the boss, they work for you, and they have to do their jobs right. I got an 2nd opinion about the pain & discomfort I was going through since PM was fitted. I ended up being told that I don't really need one, and it has been removed. I pushed for that 2nd opinion, may be you should too.

Find a different "THEY"

by ElectricFrank - 2012-05-08 01:05:21

If they won't consider fixing it find a surgeon that will. There is nothing that risky about opening the pocket and doing what they should have done in the first place. Now if they wait long enough that the insurance company considers it a separate treatment so will pay for it.......


Right on Frank !!

by donb - 2012-05-08 12:05:01

It really upsets me reading postings of patients with traveling PMs'. As it's been 20 years of experience hosting 4 differant PMs' I know the painfull nights of trying to sleep and finding a comfortable position to keep my implant happy. My 1st three implants were always sutured but as each unit would be smaller they still moved around a little. Being skinny and having them implanted just under the skin aggrevates the situation.
NOW, my 4th PM was put under my muscle just sutured tightly under my collar bone. This was done by another Cardiologist (friend) as a favor. I never even knew about it as it wasn't discussed. Sat with him in our hospital cafeteria some time ago & he asked how I liked my implant site on my right side & being under my muscle??
Wow !! I said this 3 years ago and am a very happy camper. Also told him he will do my replacement next time.
Lesson learned as there is no excuse for not fitting a patient properly with a PM especially as Frank posted of suturing properly.

Writtten Warrantly

by ElectricFrank - 2012-05-09 01:05:38

How about a campaign to require doctors to give us a written warranty on their work. I'm afraid that they would make it a lifetime warranty since they can arrange the length of the life. LOL



by Pacergirl - 2012-05-16 09:05:52

Yeah i seen my dr and i have 3 to 7 yrs left on this pacemaker they treated the inflamation with ibuprophen which didnt turn out well as it flared my asthma up. Although did help with pm pain. Im supposed call dr today and let them know how things are i just dont know if i can go another 3-7 yrs with this pain as its all the time. I cant even drive much it will make me hurt so bad to use my right arm much at all :( Thanks for all the advise and im going to push something be done as i know they didnt suture it to the muscle u can see it its just under the skin and since turned looks kinda gross.

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