So sore 48 hours after implantation

Hi, it is 48 hours since my first pm was fitted, i really was over optimistic and thought I would be feeling much better by now. I am only 31 and thought the recovery would be quick and easy but the area is so sore I can only lie on my back, if i stand or try to lie on my right the pm feels so heavy and the area feels really bruised and today i feel like i have toncilitis :(
I can hardly move my left arm, i didnt realise that they stitch the leads to a muscle and it feels like it is the muscle that is causing the pain, they only gave me paracetomol for the pain and it doesnt seem to do much.
Sorry to moan so much!
How long until the pain eases and I can lie on my right hand side in comfort?


Just wait it out

by JBuettner - 2012-05-10 01:05:10

I had my PM replaced on April 24th. The first week sucked but I took the pain meds and moved my arm as much as possible.

Now after 2 weeks and 2 days, I am essentially back to normal. My left peck won't stretch quite as much and my right but I just busted out 10 push ups.

Granted, I am 22 and mine was a REPLACEMENT. The leads were not replaced or even touched. This obviously allows for a faster recovery and the ability to do more as soon as I feel up to it (we don't have to worry about my leads moving as they have been snug in place for the past ten years).

If you're worried, do talk to your doctor. That's what they are there for.

Patience ~ ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2012-05-10 03:05:48

Give your body time to heal and adjust to a foreign object being placed in your body. Everyone heals at a different time/level.

It took me about 2 wks. before I could lay on my left side, then I still was not suppost to lift anything for a few. Listen to your doctor, BUT more importantly, listen to your own body ~ It will tell you where you are in terms of healing and/or IF anything is wrong.

IF your implant area is swelling, red and has fever, by all means, let a doctor/nurse look at it for any infections.

Take care,


by elle415 - 2012-05-10 06:05:30

I am also 48 hours post implant. I have the EXACT same symptoms with pain. My throat hurts and feels dry especially when I turn my head. This will take time, I know and I didn't get steri-strips, I got the surgical glue..omg it looks terrible. Yee! There have been some really helpful and encouraging comments with this post. They made me feel better. For some reason, I too was under the impression that the whole procedure would be a little more "minor" and way less painful. I have found since I can only lay on my back right now, when I go to get up, I'll put a piece of gauze in my palm and hold the site so the weight of the implant doesn't weigh down and hurt as bad. My doctor gave me some Norco, but a very small amount, so I use them when the pain is bad. Except for the pain, I'm feeling great already, breathing much,much better. We will heal! I will watch for your progress. Oh, I'm 50.

Thanks for reading, feel better


by Alma Annie - 2012-05-10 07:05:33

Hi Claire T,
Please give yourself time, this is all very new for you. It was 2 or 3 weeks before I felt comfortable and could lie on my side at night, but it does mend and soon you will feel much better. Your must realise that you have been cut and the wound needs time to heal, but it will. My doctor gave me Panadeine forte. I only needed that for a week. Maybe ask your GP for something stronger, just for a few days, also ask him/her to check the wound just to make sure it is ok.
All the best

Alma Annie

site swollen

by Alma Annie - 2012-05-10 09:05:31

Hi again. Can you go to your GP rather than the hospital? He will set your mind at rest. If he suspects any infection he/she then can contact your EP and take it from there. I think you should go as soon as possible as if there is any infection the sooner treatment is started the better.

Let us know how you get on

Alma Annie.


by ClaireT - 2012-05-10 11:05:50

Thank you so much I guess I need to be more patient! Along the cut itself is swollen and i thought it was fluid but i tried touching it just lightly and it feels hard - do you know if this is normal? I know I should ask the dr but I bet they will ask me to go in and we have no car and I don't want to waste money on a taxi for them to say it is fine and send me home again.....


by ClaireT - 2012-05-12 06:05:46

Hi again, many many thanks for all the advice.
I called the Cardiology ward today to discuss the swelling along the incision and they told me to go to A&E and the dr there said he thinks it is new tissue my body is making (because the swelling is so hard and there is no sign of infection) and it should slowly go away - I hope it does cos I don't want to be left with a lumpy scar!
He changed my pain meds from paracetomol to ibuprofen so hoping that helps.
Thanks again xx

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I am just grateful to God that I lived long enough to have my ICD put in. So many people are not as lucky as us; even though we sometimes don't feel lucky.