still feeling weird at times

Hi all,
I am in the UK, 30, and was fitted with a pacemaker on may 7th after sudden heart block and bradycardia. I had no symptoms and was going to the gym 4 times a week until i started blacking out, feeling like I had heavy limbs and what I would call 'weird feelings'...

I thought after having my pm fitted I would be up and ready for action, somewhat naively. I was wondering how long it took you guys to settle into life again. I find I am getting tired easily and occasionally I still feel 'weird', as if I am going to pass out but I don't. I could not even try to go back to work, let alone the gym in the ner future the way i get tired so easily!!

You think this is normal or worth a visit to my cardiologist? I am still being tested for a whole host of things as they don't know what caused the heart block etc.

Any info or advice would be greatt!! :o)



by Tracey_E - 2012-05-22 01:05:37

It's only been a couple of weeks! Your body had a big change in developing the heart block then a surgery to deal with, give it some time to bounce back. 4-6 weeks is average. Rest and take it easy for a few more weeks, you'll be your old self before you know it.

That said, if you are still getting the passing out feeling, call your dr. It's likely the settings need adjusted. They often send us home with the factory standard settings, which are inadequate for someone young and active. If that's what it is, it's an easy fix.


by Jax - 2012-05-24 04:05:29

I had the same feeling. Thought I was going to get dizzy and pass put and my body tensed up and then nothing happened. It took so long to diagnose this SSS
That my body got used to reacting like this.

Feels better now. Not perfect but better

Took me almost 4wks

by Jax - 2012-05-24 04:05:38

To feel normal. I exercise litely. Going on 5 weeks now and I am just waiting my Six weeks to start my exercise classes doing a lot of walking.

Give yourself some time.


by hevskip - 2012-05-25 07:05:14

Hi All,
thanks for your comments! It's reassuring to know what other people go through as I have no idea what to expect!!
Been having rubbish nights sleep the last few nights. I have been waking up alot, then because I'm awake I feel my pacemaker kick in, then I get all paranoid and can't get back to sleep. Silly really but it's just getting my head round it.
I can't wait to get back down the gym though! I'm not what you'd call 'athleticly built' but I was working towards it, it just feels like a massive step back at the mo.

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