New PM

Hello, I am new to the PM world, just 1 week ago. This came as a surprise and shock, no real symptoms prior to the day I went to my doctor because I nearly fainted. In fact, I wasn't sure what was happening,I even thought I might be having a heart attack. The Holter heart monitor I left with that day is what determined I had 2nd and 3rd degree AV block. 5 days later I received my PM. Tomorrow I go back to the cardiologist because my level of fatigue is higher than prior to surgery. This test is to rule out fluid around the heart, which apparently can happen after this procedure. I am wondering if anyone else has any experience with this?



by Pookie - 2012-06-01 09:06:12

Hi Jillina:)

Recovery for some of us unfortunately may take up to 3 -4 months. We all heal differently. Some of us have experienced exactly what you have described, while some have gotten back to their normal routine/life quite quickly.

Just remember you have gone thru surgery and it's gonna take some time to heal even tho your scar might look completely healed, there is still a lot of healing going on beneath that scar.

I too was profoundly fatigued, had a hell of a time even walking up the stairs, had shortness of breath, etc. I guess the key is to keep the lines of communication open with your doctors and get as much rest as you can.

I am happy to hear that you are having a stress test, and I'm hoping that you find the answer. Sometimes it takes some of us countless times going to the PM Clinic to have our settings adjusted; which could be the key to your feeling well. Just don't give up hope. If "they" are going to start adjusting any settings on your pacemaker please remember to only allow them to do one per visit because if they do multiple adjustments per visit you will never know which one worked and which one didn't.

And please don't think of yourself as being a pest when it comes to your may be just like me ~ that it took A LOT of visits to get my settings just right.

Good luck & keep us posted.

Be informed

by Jillina - 2012-06-01 09:06:55

Thank you myheart for your reply. My echocardiogram was normal, thankfully no fluid around the heart. My fatigue symptoms and the fact that my arms and shoulders feel like lead are baffling. A stress test is being scheduled to rule out a heart blockage, the only other heart-related test that my doctor says would be a shame to overlook based on my current situation. According to the PA I saw yesterday, most patients feel better 3-4 days following surgery, this is not the norm. It would be helpful for the medical staff to tell you what to expect after surgery, other than the precautions they spend a lot of time reviewing. Even the pacemaker booklet and info I read on-line does not adequately explain the amount of time it MIGHT take to bounce back ... some say to expect a "gradual" recovery, a vague word at best; others say to "follow your physician's instructions". It is always advised to "if you have any questions, be sure to talk with your doctor" -- if only I knew the rights questions to ask. I don't want to be a pest nor do I want to be a "wimp" ... I just want someone to tell me that this COULD be normal, then I can relax about it and just go with the flow.

2 weeks post PM

by Jillina - 2012-06-05 09:06:14

Hi Nettie,
I am so glad to find this site, I find it helpful to read and to write. I am just 2 weeks after surgery and yesterday was the first day I felt like I was getting my strength and energy back. The "heavy" feeling in my arms is not gone completely, but MUCH MUCH better. I did a lot of reading prior to surgery to learn as much as I could about during and after the PM procedure. It is common to restrict arm movement on the side where PM is placed. No lifting more than 10 lbs; no arm over the head; to pushing/pulling or rotating of the shoulder for 6 weeks and of course no driving for 2 weeks. I return tomorrow for my follow up and hope to get the green light to drive, today is the first day I can say I feel like I even could.

I discovered after talking to a friend that is a Physician's Assistance, the hospital stay of less than 24 hours is really more related to the Insurance company, than anything else. I arrived at the hospital at 11:30 but did not have my surgery until 4:30 in the afternoon (delays) and I was released at 10:30 a.m. the following day.

I continue to sleep with the sling, I'm concerned my arm might get into a position that would be a no-no. My PM site is still very tender and aches from time to time. I even have pain over my shoulder and under my arm near the arm pit. When I asked about this, they said it could be due to the position the arm is put during surgery...I am soooo looking forward to when this feeling goes away. I look forward to the day I don't even know the PM is there.

It must be challenging for you with a young family - not being able to hold my cats is challenging enough :)

I hope today is a better day for you.

Newbie too :-)

by NettieA - 2012-06-05 09:06:29

Hello Jillina,

I'm also new to the PM world. I wasn't showing any obvious symptoms either, but was being tested for possible thyroid problems. They ordered a 24hr heart monitor, the results of which showed I had a 2nd degree type II heart block. Because of my odd dizzy spells, having a young family and sporty lifestyle (scuba diving and rock climbing), we decided to go ahead with the PM - and it was fitted about two weeks ago, on 19th May.

I was given the option of a St Jude Accent MRI unit which is dive rated to 60m. Also having it fitted under the breast so that diving and rock climbing would be
more comfortable. I had the surgery under general, as it was fitted under the breast and released home that day! I felt very sick, tired and breathless for about 4/5 days. After this, every day has been a slight improvement. They had to be quite rough fitting the wires up from the breast, so I'm having to be patient with the recovery.

After one week the dressings were removed and all was fine. The nurse then told me I couldn't raise my arm too high, lift heavy items or stretch for 3 months - this length of time was something I wasn't aware of :-(

Now, after two weeks, although feeling generally good, I still feel achy, tired and even walking aggravates the area. I've started taking paracetamol again to help with the pain and to help me sleep. I'm also still not able to drive, but quite honestly I don't feel ready to do so.

I hope this helps? It's certainly helped me reading all these posts (and somehow writing this has reminded me that I'm supposed to be taking it easy - but with a young family it's not always easy!!)

All the best, Nettie :-)

Back and Neck pain

by Faint-o-Heart - 2012-06-09 09:06:10

Day 3 and my neck,chest and back feel as if they have weights on them and I seem to have less energy each day... Considering I was fine before (with a few problematical faints), I'm not a happy camper. But is it normal to get worse each day?

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