heat in chest from pacemaker

I just got my pacemaker 2 and 1/2 weeks ago. I am 24 years old and twice I have had a feeling of heat from the pacemaker in my chest it is not hot to the touch but I start sweating like crazy like I am overheating. No change to pulse on bpm only lasts about 20 or 30 minutes then goes away. I do not have health insurance so I am struggling with being able to get information. I was able to see a pa on monday because they allow 1 follow up after surgery and then I have to find help elsewhere, and she said it was just healing it makes me nervous. Has this happended to anyone?


1 visit?

by ronilee - 2012-06-06 09:06:25

OMG, honey, WHY only one visit & what do they mean to "find help elsewhere". I might be missing something here, but that sounds like patient abandonment which is not legal.

As far as the heat, hopefully someone will answer you. It seems like I saw that complaint somewhere else on this site. Maybe if you type in "heat" in the search engine you can find something.

I am really worried about your 1 visit. Who is going to do your PM checks? Of course, I went back for 1 wound check & was told I would not see my doc for a year. Maybe that is just the way it works (I've had mine for 5 weeks). However, yesterday I was having a problem & they got me right in.

Good luck. Keep in touch & liet us know how you are doing.

Been there!

by justmepacing - 2012-06-06 10:06:08

Wow! Only one check up. About the heat. I was told that it is the skin around the site healing. Then I was told that I had a fluid pocket, So I really never really got any answers. If your PM site becomes red you need to go the ER. Don't wait! I use an ice pack on mine now and that helps me. I have had my PM since 3/20. It is slowly healing and it is taking longer than they think it should. Everyone heals differently. Hope you start feeling better soon!



by TalkinCardio - 2012-06-06 11:06:17

Wish I could offer you some advice but I have not had any experience like that. I hope another member can respond and help you out but please keep us posted.

Thin skinned

by lahbigbro6 - 2012-06-07 04:06:39

Sometimes I feel hot in the pacemaker area. I am very thin on top where the pacemaker is, no fat. Sometimes when I sleep on the pacemaker side and put my arm under chin and pacemaker ...I wake up and my skin is red in the exact area of the pacemaker, actually the shape of the pacemaker. I try not to sleep on that side.

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