lawyer harassment

I was surprised that I got an email from a law firm that is ambulance chasing. My email apparently came from this site.
It was to say the least unexpected. I hope that our emails are not out to the highest bidder.


Maybe Your Lawyers Should Contact These Lawyers?

by kmcgrath - 2007-11-20 02:11:59

I also received an e-mail today from the below listed law firm and I don't think they should be allowed to get away with it.

If I do find a need to hire a lawyer these people can be sure NOT to get a call from me.

Contact Information:

Hunter Shkolnik
Rheingold, Valet, Rheingold, Shkolnik & McCartney
113 East 37th Street
New York, NY 10016-3042
(212) 684-1880

You Shouldn't be Surprised at the e-mails

by kmcgrath - 2007-11-20 03:11:15

Seems like the people running this site are in cahoots with the previously mentioned law firm as the have a like right to the same lawyers site if you click the box tat is labeled "RECALL: Medtronic Leads Click Here to Learn More"

Well that it for me here so see ya.

It is wrong.

by paf - 2007-11-20 03:11:24

I also received the email - probably everyone did who posts or replies from time to time. I'm also not happy about it. Their email was unethical. I've worked for attorneys for 20+ years now and the good ones do not have to advertise for or chase clients. I hit the delete key, but before I did, I added them to my blocked list. I am disappointed.

In Violation of their Own Privacy Policy!

by kmcgrath - 2007-11-20 03:11:56

The below cut right out of the so called "Privacy Policy" of this site:

Information Sharing and Disclosure
Pacemaker Club does not rent, sell, or share personal, corporate or business information with other people or other companies.

The full privacy policy link is below:

Me too!

by auntiesamm - 2007-11-20 05:11:40

I also deleted the email after reading it since I am lucky enough to have a Guidant (ha-ha) and not a Medtronic. When I read it I thought the very same thing CathrynB did, that it was a way to get the news to anyone who may not be aware. Because the email came directly from I was not concerned that my address had been sold or given to an outside agency. Blake will no doubt clear this up. I believe it is unfair to refer to the club as unethical when we do not have all the facts. I truly think Blake was trying to help get the word out.


I suspect that is the case

by tman - 2007-11-20 06:11:57

Given that no one can get an email list to send/sell/rent without going through me, and no one has asked for it (or would ever get it in any case -- privacy laws are rather strict here, and I have a wide ethical streak) I suspect that it was sent out as a service to the members.

Your email address was not sold

by admin - 2007-11-20 11:11:40

Your email address was not sold or released to anyone. That would be against the law and the Club’s Privacy Policy. I take both very serious and guarantee you that the email originated from Pacemaker Club.

After serious consideration, I made the decision to send the email. I expected the email would generate debate. So if you disagree with the email being sent, please do not blame our moderators or active members.

I strongly feel that the benefits of pacemaker and ICD technology far outweigh the risks of having a device implanted. I’ve been an active recipient since 1978 so I’m living proof of this. It’s unfortunate that problems sometimes occur. When they do, I feel patients have a right to receive information that may help them. The decision to sue is a personal one. If I had a faulty lead, I honestly do not know what I would do.


Spin Doctoring Going on Here?

by kmcgrath - 2007-11-20 11:11:53

I'm sorry but Blake's reply & explanation seems weak to me. At the very least he should have made it clear that the e-mail was coming from his site and not directly from the law firm. I still find it highly suspicious that a link to this law firm has appeared on this website at the same time the e-mail was sent out. In hindsight what maybe should have happened was a notice should have been sent out to all members letting them know that the site had been contacted by a law firm and contact info would be made available on request.

I'm sorry if I'm insulting anyone here but I think you have a responsibility to act in an ethical manner especially in dealing with a web site of this nature. Credibility toward the people who come here for support & information should be paramount but now some members may feel that this site is possibly just a front for various medical device manufacturers and/or law firms.

I Agree

by Scottie - 2007-11-20 12:11:51

I've been away from the site for a while, and the lawyer spam called me back!

I like the site, but please -- kill the spam!


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