electric beds

hi folks has anyone had the experience of sleeping in an electrically controlled bed i have found my sleep disrupted since i have had one turned it off today and had best sleep for ages can anyone tell me if they have had the same experience ive had pm for 5 months now and greatly improved. love to all


Electric Bed

by mtaylor - 2013-01-26 08:01:55

The hospital beds I was in for several months after my incident and ICD implant all had various electrical systems in them. However, whatever is working for you should be what you do, if not having it makes you sleep better, then get rid of it.

Electric Bed Interference

by toned511 - 2014-03-14 02:03:57

I have an ICD pacemaker implant and have been sleeping on an electric adjustable bed for over two years. Have experienced no symptoms that can be attributed to the bed even when using the massaging feature. Not sure what you meant that you turned it off and now sleep better. Unless you are using the remote to adjust the bed, there should be no electrical current flowing in the wires even when the bed is plugged in the wall and thus, even if there are magnets in the electric motors on the bed, they probably would not generate enough of a magnetic field when you are not using the remote control. Even if the motors are activated during the time you are adjusting the bed, they're more than 6 inches from your pacemaker and probalbly would have no affect on the pacemaker. But as mtaylor said "whatever is working for you should be what you do" Good luck but I sure wouldn't sell the bed right away. I couldn't get along without mine.

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