Sudden Increase in Heart Rate while Exercising

I posted a few days back about flushing and minor increase in heart rate. The Feedback was appreciated. No all of sudden after 2 months of cardio rehab at about the 2 mi mark of my 3 mile run/walk I will get pressure in my chest and my heart rate will go up to 106-110 for about 30 seconds and then come back to normal levels. I am going for a stress test on Monday, but has anyone else had this experience.



low 100s ok

by YellowMonkee - 2007-10-13 04:10:52

I get sudden increase in heart rate even if I'm just walking across a parking lot. The highest its been was 220. If I stop and take deep breaths, it goes away and I can continue with out any problems. My doc says the low 100s is safe and not to worry. The higher rates is what to look out for.


by kyle0816 - 2007-11-08 03:11:47

I lift weights (and wear a heart monitor chest strap & watch) and before I even start my heart rate is at about 95-100. When I start lifting it will hover around 120-150 and go as high as 180 while lifting particularly heavy. I WISH my heart rate remained as low as yours when I exercised! I don't think you have anything at all to worry about.

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