Cell phones

I got this from a friend today and thought you all might like to see it. No wonder my doc says keep the cell phone away from the pm!




Its fake!

by boatman50 - 2008-08-02 02:08:17

I just got another e-mail from my friend that checked out this story on Snopes.com. It says this is a fake! Sorry to have posted this before I knew it was true or false.

I wasn't even told to keep my cell phone away!

by LIVE_STRONG - 2008-08-02 12:08:06

I was not told to keep my cell phone away! Do we need to? what about a blue tooth....is that a better option?

Thanks, Holly

Thanks for posting

by ElectricFrank - 2008-08-03 02:08:05

I'm glad you posted this even if it was a fake. It is a good example of the fear tactics that are being used by a lot of sources to scare the wits out of us.
Too bad the cell phone won't generate this much heat. Heck it would give us a cheap ablation.



Neat email

by repwork - 2010-01-27 12:01:34

I have been told not to use a BLUETOOTH device because most patients pass out while on their blue tooth devices. Join me on www.facebook.com under the email address repwork@gmail.com

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