I have just joined the club, I have a query, I have purchased a Koboglo, there is a warning about the risks with this product and pacemakers which makes me reluctant to use also tho this has nothing to with the pacemaker the warning also mentions hearing aids that could explode. Does anyone have any experiences that could help me please.


Just found it

by ElectricFrank - 2013-02-05 01:02:15

It's a iPad type e-Reader. Shouldn't be any problem. Probably just a a CYA warning.


Never knew

by Mongee - 2013-02-05 01:02:34

I use my iPad all the time, never knew it wasn't good with pacemaker. Really have never had a problem, and I hold it close to my pacemaker when reading in bed.

What is...

by donr - 2013-02-05 01:02:49

...a Koboglo? Not familiar w/ it.


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