Difference between DDI and VVI modes?

Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a long time. I am now 1.5 years post unplanned PM for failed SVT ablation. Two months after getting my pacemaker, my EP changed my setting from DDD to DDI. I was uncomfortable and changed back after 5 days. At my November check-up, he told me that my battery was going quickly because my ventricle was being paced at 99%. After wearing a halter moniter for a week now, my EP changed my setting yesterday again to determine what my heart can do on its own. (We think I have first degree heart block with intermittent second degree) I am still wearing halter moniter. PM is now set to kick in at 40 bpm. However, now he told me that he set PM to VVI. Can anyone tell me the difference between DDI and VVI modes?
Thanks, Dahlia


pacing modes

by Seska - 2008-02-07 05:02:17


sorry if you know all this already...

the code for pacing modes is set out in the following order:

Chamber(s) Paced, Chamber(s) Sensed, Mode(s) of Response (to sensed events - i.e. response of pacemaker when it senses a beat generated by the heart)

V = ventricle, D = dual (i.e. atria and ventricle)

VVI = senses and paces in the ventricle, wont pace if it senses an intrinsic beat
DDI = senses and paces in the atria and ventricle, wont pace if it senses an intrinsic beat

In VVI mode the pacemaker will only pace and sense in the ventricles, even if you have an atrial lead, the pacer is programmed to ignore it in VVI mode. If the pacer senses a ventricular beat it won't put in a paced beat. If the pacemaker is programmed to DDI mode, the pacer won't put in a paced beat in whichever chamber it senses a beat.

hope that helps,


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