Incorrect validation characters. Try again...

I just tried to post a response to someone's post and I got an error message saying, "Incorrect validation characters. Try again... ". What does that mean??


It means ...

by admin - 2009-01-04 07:01:26


This message means that the wrong spam code was entered. Please give it another try. If that doesn't work, email us at so we can investigate.



Incorrect characters

by ElectricFrank - 2009-01-05 01:01:44

One common problem is that the letters G and Q (only lower case) look a lot alike. If both don't appear in the same group it is almost impossible to tell. One trick I use is to put in something aaaaa if I can't read the current group. That causes it to be rejected and a new group of letters generated. A few weeks ago I had to do this several times in a row to get a readable set.

Sorry Blake!


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