Reg. frequency of PM checks

I read that people get their PM checked with different frequencies. I am 100% paced and have 2 phone checks a year plus one office visit. I have a PPO insurance with a major insurance company, they won't pay for that many services. I live in California. Any one else have this problem?


PM checks

by sweetkozy - 2007-09-17 04:09:34

I am actually surprised that they don't check you more often. I am only 60- 70% paced and I have one office visit and one PM threshold check once a year. Then I have phone checks once-a-month, due to my battery life getting low. When it was new (almsot 5 yrs ago) I had phone checks every 3 months and then it was every 2 months and now every month. Our insurance covers all except the copayments for office visits. Don't know if you can, but I would ask your insurance agency why they won't cover more since it is a neccessity and just see what or if they can do anything to cover your costs better. You might have to pay a higher premium, but it the end it would probably be to your benefit. Check-ups are not cheap....that's for sure. Hopefully you can get it worked out. Good Luck!



by jessie - 2007-09-17 04:09:47

i think i am almost 100% paced. i have my check once a year. i just had it. everything is good. i had braddychardia and have a medtronic dual lead pacemaker good luck jessie. maybe you could ask your physician why you are being checked so much

PM Checkups

by auntiesamm - 2007-09-17 09:09:36

I am in Orange County, California. My PM was implanted May 2006. Had one check up at 2 weeks, one at one month. After that every 6 months which seems to be the standard here unless one is having problems. Had an interrogation last month and have appt for Feb 2008. Hope alll the comments help you in understanding your PM, etc. God bless you.


PM Checks

by bjmcpherren - 2007-09-18 04:09:21

I am 100% dependent. I have 1 in office visit a year and phone checks every 3 months and more often as the pacemaker gets older. My insurance only pays for absolutely necessary expenses (which to me those are!!) so all of those checkups are paid out-of-pocket after the insurance discount. But I certainly would not risk my life by reducing those checkup!!

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