
Is it safe to use a chainsaw?


power tools

by Tracey_E - 2013-05-22 05:05:33

Yes we can use a chainsaw with a pm. For some of us it's less safe than others ;oP Me, I'd probably lose an arm.

If you use rate response, you may feel your heart rate go up more than it should be. The vibration might confuse it. It's harmless, just be aware.

Rate Response

by ebfox - 2013-05-25 06:05:48

Hi GC,

Tracey hit the mark (as usual). If you have Rate Response turned on, you will go to your maixmum rate. If you don't have it turned on, not a factor.

Be sure to wear all OSHA mandated safety wear and drink heavily AFTER you are done (said the guy who has been there and done that.)

E. B.

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