pacemakers and general anaesthetic

i am due to have a small gynacological operation next week with a light general anaesthetic. i have had anaesthetics in the past but not since i had a pacemaker . can anyone tell me if there are any more risks involved or anything else i might need to know. the consultant told me the aneasetist might want to keep me in overnight cas of the pm even though it is only a day case op but i dont see what difference a having a pm my husbanda main carer and dont really want to stay in just cas i have a pm.i had a pm check mon and all was well.
p.s. to those of you who replyed to my post on homeopathy thaks for all your replys and information im going tomorrow and will let you know how i get on.


surgery clearance

by scpck - 2007-11-28 02:11:24

I was scheduled for rotator cuff surgery Dec 28, but both my cardiologist and my internist insisted I have at least 6 month between the pacer placement and the surgery. My pacer has never needed to "fire" I feel great, but then I felt great when I had my long pause of brady. So.....I see cards Jan 14th and surg will be probably the end of Jan. It really won't be general so much as a block with IV sedation, but they insist. OH well I've waited this long, I guess I can wait.

Cardiac clearance

by auntiesamm - 2007-11-28 02:11:33

I've had my pacemaker since May 2006. This past June I had total knee replacement using spinal anesthesia, not general. I was however so sedated that I do not remember any of it until I woke up in recovery.! The most important thing to my orthopedic surgeon & the anesthesiologist was that I had an recent cardiac clearance from my physician. It entailed a mini-physical, blood work and EKG. Good luck - you should do well. God bless & keep you.

Rotator cuff? - scpck

by axg9504 - 2007-11-28 03:11:37

Very interesting that you have the same problem. I'm scheduled for a PM early Jan 08. Meanwhile I've had a small tear in my right rotator cuff for several months now. I postponed getting PM so that the MRI could be done on my shoulder. The ortho. of course did not want to do any surgery till my PM was in, but that is not warranted according to my cardio. he will give me a green light to have surgery any time before the PM (my situation is that I have a slowing rate during exercise or effort - I'm fine at rest). I don't understand why you have to wait. In my case I will decide based on when the PM pain subsides, I don't want to be hurting on both sides

Hip replacement

by phendo - 2007-11-28 11:11:21

Hello Belly321,
I had a hip replacement 2 years ago and the Orthopedic surgeon said that my Dual PM was not a issue at all and did not cause any problems during the operation. As far as I am aware there were no special precautions taken even though "a hip" is a pretty large op to have so I don't think you have to much to worry about.
Hope this helps


by sweetkozy - 2007-11-28 12:11:32

Hello! I have had a few general anaesthetics since my PM was implanted and had no trouble with any of them. Actually, the doctors made no extra fuss because of my PM. If you feel any concern about your PM and anaesthetics, I would directly talk with your EP or Good luck with the operation!


It's safe

by bambi - 2007-11-28 12:11:45

I've had numerous surgeries with general anesthesia, with my pacemaker, and have not had any problems. Once you let them know you have a pacemaker, the surgeon usually asks for a medical release letter from your cardiologist or EP. The anesthesiologists know how to monitor pacemaker patients, and the recovery room nurses will monitor you also. I just had surgery 2 weeks ago with general anesthesia, again with no problems.I went home that same evening. So, unless your EP or cardiologist feels there's a risk, you'll do fine! Good luck!

Surgery & PM

by janetinak - 2007-11-29 02:11:53

I have had both knees replaced since I had PM & only had to get clearance from my cardio 1st. Had knees done 6 wks apart (wouldn't recommend that but my sister was here to help me & got Ortho to agree, he wanted to wait 6 months but circumstances dictated that get it done while I had help), anyhow had general anesthesia both times & all went well. Good luck.



by belly321 - 2007-11-29 04:11:12

just a quick note to say thanks to you all for your replys it is good to be reassured and im grateful for your time and interest in replying i will let you know how i grt on

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