Pacer check up

Can anyone tell me what the usual check up time laps is after having a pacemaker replacement
When I had the original unit implanted it was six weeks before it was examined


2 months

by Edouard - 2010-11-10 10:11:05

I guess it varies from person to person and / or hospital to hospital. My follow-up was set for 2 months after surgery. Because the date conflicted with a vaction my wife and I had planned, we rescheduled for 72 days after surgery.
The check-up was satisfactory so my next follow-up is scheduled for a year after the first check-up.

Checkup Frequency

by J.B. - 2010-11-10 10:11:29

Different doctors follow different routines so your doctor will have to give you an answer. For me, they did a checkup on my first one after three weeks and then quarterly after that, For the second one, implanted by a different doctor, it was 6 weeks for the first check and then quarterly.

For some the schedule is determined by how often insurance will pay for a checkup.

Followups after replacement

by ElectricFrank - 2010-11-11 01:11:52

In my case they used the same settings on the replacement so there was no need for a checkup until the usual 3 months. The only medical issue is healing of the incision. They said the bandage would come off on its own, but I took mine off after a week or so.


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