Hi - haven't posted here for a while so saying hello & hoping you're all doing just fine. I've a couple of weeks off work recovering from cataract sugery, so now both eyes are done, I have 3 new parts in total! Am having a PM check neat month & it hardly seems possible that it will be 4 years since I had my PM!

With love & good wishes


good to hear you are well

by Hot Heart - 2010-03-12 05:03:40

its nice to hear from pm oldies (not as in age) lol, that they are well, it gives hope to all the new people, I think sometimes people leave when they are better,
hope you keep well


Hah, I have 5 new parts

by janetinak - 2010-03-13 04:03:33

both eyes with cataracts fixed, PM, & both knees replaced. Ain't modern medicine great.

I feel like the bionic women but who cares. I can see, can walk & not SOB/fatigued anymore. Loving it!

Nice to hear from you again,


You know you're wired when...

You can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

Member Quotes

Yesterday was my first day mountain biking after my implant. I wiped out several times and everything is fine. There are sports after pacemakers!