thanksgiving in canada

i wish to wish all the canadians at our site a very happy thanksgiving. i found out yesterday that canada was the first country to celebrate it in the 1700's. then in the 1800's the americans began to celebrate and it was actually at first the ist monday in october for some time like ours. then the americans our dear neighbours moved theirs to november about a month before christmas. we in both countries have so much to be thankful for. we live in a free society and we have a good life for sure. so to-morrow the eight of october i wish again a very happy thanksgiving to blake, amy, colleen, plummerman although he never comes around much anymore and of course grandma from edmonton. take care everyone jessie


Happy for you!

by cottontop - 2007-10-08 01:10:19

Jessie, I am so happy for you and your family.I pray that you had a great thanksgiving. We should all treat everyday we wake up as thanksgiving. We all have a lot to be thankful for. You have be a wonderful friend. Hope John is doing good and remember to take care of yoursel!

Thanksgiving Day

by peacemaker - 2007-10-08 01:10:21

What an awesome invention to have a day dedicated to "being thankful" . There really is lots to be thankful for in my life and I enjoy it so much more.Since having a second chance.
Hope the next year will be full of joy and many healthy days.

Wendy Peciak
Moose Jaw, Sask.

~~~~Hi Jessie

by Peter.Nash - 2007-10-08 07:10:39

Hi Jessie,
hope you have great day with your family and of course the same goes for all our Canadian friends.
Perhaps all countries should have a thanksgiving day may help to make the world a better place.

Take care Peter

hi wendy

by jessie - 2007-10-10 02:10:39

happy thanksgiving to you and to karen from n.s. belated jessie


by Cathy - 2007-10-12 03:10:10

Hi Jessie, aka mom,

What a great idea, to be thankful for both of our countries. We live in freedom and I don't think we always appreciate it. But beside freedom, could we all be thankful for our health, such as it is, our families, our friends, the Tim Horton's guy that is nice as he makes our coffee, the mailman/women that might bring up a cheque instead of bills, the supermarket person that smiles as we buy our groceries but he really does not want to, the teacher that does not want to hear why our kid did not get his homework done again, I guess my point is we are all human, we have times when we are great, we have time when we stink and I guess if we could look outside of the box, WE ARE ALL THE SAME!!!!!! Sorry to ramble, I guess I can blame it on my mom jessie. This world can be a great place if we just stop and make a difference. The other option is dismal and I refuse to even comtemplate it. Thanks for the chat tonight about our jessie, once again you are a great mom. Finally having my cup of tea now and time to myself!!!! Talk to you tomorrow.



by jessie - 2007-10-14 01:10:01

what a great message. it points to our humanity and the fact that yes we are all the same. you are a great daughter. i am glad you are mine. love, mom

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