tig welding.

hi, i am a new member with a pm/dif fitted 3 years ago. in the
process of renovating a vintage car, i have come to the part
where some welding is reqired, all the information i have been
given is that wldig is a no/no.
i would like to know the strength of the signal, and a safe distance
to avoid these signals. to do this i need some type of meter,
most of the meters on amazon are for chasing gosts
could anyone tell me what type of meter i should be looking for,
emf/rf, where to get them from, and at a price that would not brake the bank.
looking forward for your informatiom.



by Tracey_E - 2013-10-31 01:10:44

I'm not a welder so I don't know what tig welding is, but as far as I know arc welders are the only ones we have to avoid. The others are ok.

Ghost Welding

by donb - 2013-10-31 03:10:48

Hi, As I have done lots of researching in my past 22 years of pacemaker life on your questions, seems there's lots of opinions. I have had good response from both Medtronic & St jude engineering people. I have followed their limitations & have had no effects from doing low amperage welding. I found some real good procedures for doing just normal arc welding with amperage limitations & also with Tig & Mig.
I would be interested what both of the engineering people have to say if you check with them as it's been a few years since I talked to either. Last resort, Gas welding may be slow but its worked for me when I was afraid of tackling arc welding.


by cormac - 2015-01-07 05:01:13

Don B
Do you know if wearing a lead jacket helps? im working in the sheet metal trade and will be going to college and in the course there will be gas, arc, mig and tig welding. I have done small amounts of mig and had no real problem but i have would like to know if there was anything i could do to make it safer for me.

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I'm 43 and have had my pacemaker four weeks today. I'm looking forward to living another 50 years and this marvelous device inside me will help me do that.