
i had my checkup in london . it is now my 3rd year at an end. she was very ignorant the tech. she didn't seem to know that people actually had sore times at their site. she denied ever dealing with this. anyway i am good . no problems at the moment. jessie


Hi Jessie!!!!!!!

by Pookie - 2009-08-15 10:08:03

So sorry to hear the tech was rude.

I often wonder what rude people think when someone is rude to them????

And YES, I totally agree: I still have soreness from time to time at my pacer can happen to anyone.

If only the pacemaker techs could feel what its like to have a pacer or defib!!! If only.

Enjoy your's so hot in Nova Scotia today I thought I'd melt. We hit 90 which is very rare. Ever since I've had my pacer, I don't do well in the heat, I always feel like I'm going to faint. Must be that our hearts are working harder...I don't know....LOL

Take care,

Rude technicians

by Blueaustralia - 2009-08-16 06:08:58

The local tech here was so rude I flatly refuse to see him. I go to Hobart. Even though it is a five hour drive.
When the guy griped about me having an Ela I told him "We get sick, we get put to sleep and we wake up with what we are given." A short time after Ela became the government contract and he rang one Sunday morning and left a message saying: Mrs. .... I really, really, really want to see you. I rang back with a message. " I really, really, really don't want to see you."

I suppose I will have to attend locally one day. I hope he has retired by then!!! Are you checked six monthly Jess. They have made it standard procedure here now.

Tons of love Billie

Lets fight the techincians!!!

by Hot Heart - 2009-08-19 04:08:09

Which I could spell properly if i'd not had that vodka earlier (hey I am allowed, its holiday time) lol.

What is it with these techicians?????? Have they got a chip on their shoulders because they arent consultants????????

We pay their wages, if we all stopped going for our check ups they would be out of a job, perhaps we should remind them of that whan they are being arsey
!!!!!! (oh dear, dont think i'm allowed to say that, will consider myself sent to the naughty step for the next 10 mins)!!!

I was told i couldnt have my print out because I wouldnt understand it!!!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm am i a dumb broad???? not the last time i checked!!!


You know you're wired when...

You have a $50,000 chest.

Member Quotes

Yesterday was my first day mountain biking after my implant. I wiped out several times and everything is fine. There are sports after pacemakers!