implant of teeth

i have come to a time in my life where no matter what root canal i had one tooth is failing me. my dentist is recommending implant and tells me that a bridge would be 2500 but an implant would be 3,000 not much difference for one tooth. my question is if i can't have my ears pierced again because of possible infection going to my heart what abount an implant where there is driling etc?it is also on the same side as my pacemaker. here i am with shingles with an infected tooth which the pain even tho it has been treated with two antibiotics and tyl 3 is returning worse than before.i am at a loss as too what to do.would appreciate some input. it is christmas that is coming and i know my husband would like to get out the pliars. only so thanks ahead of time hugs jessie


re. implant of teeth

by Jules1983 - 2009-11-24 09:11:20

I work in a dental office and the one of the dentist's that I work for does dental implants. It costs $5000cnd per tooth here though. One of the patients we are in the process of doing has a pacemaker and the only difference is that she takes a "pre-med" antibiotic before each appointment.


by Tracey_E - 2009-11-24 09:11:36

I've never heard that we can't get our ears pierced! The rate of infection with ear piercing is really low and I've never heard that it would affect the heart even if it did get infected. Saying it's not safe sounds over-the-top conservative to me. I've had root canals done with my pm, did not even bother to pretreat with antibiotic and I was fine. An implant is no worse, I wouldn't think.

oh no

by jessie - 2009-11-24 10:11:28

i was told that ear piercing was out and that yes you can contract an infection of the heart if you are unlucky which i just might be. lol so my cardiologist told me no. i have alwasy had antibiotics prior to any dental procedure because of the pacemaker and the hip replacements. my dr. had one patient contract infection around the hips and it was horrible he said. it took ages to clear. with all the superbugs around no thanks but anyone else feel free. hugs,jessie

thanks for the support

by jessie - 2009-11-25 01:11:08

my immune system seems really bad for awhile. i seem to catch everything and anything going around. when i mentioned the ear piercing my cardiologist suggested that it was a risk as my body has 3 objects implanted and that it isa risk to possibly get an infection. so i will go without and regift my diamond earings to my grandaughter when she is older. lolher mother gave them to me. think she will notice?lol so thanks againn everyone love you all. jessie

yes but

by jessie - 2009-11-25 08:11:23

i am in pain and noone will touch me till the shingles subside. the infection is back so more husand is going to speak to the dentist as i could only understand at the time 3 weeks ago or so that the toooth could not be pulled right nowuntil the implant can be done. that whole side of my mouth are root canal and hugs jessie

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