
we started out sat. a.m. and my brother was not feeling good. he continued to feel poorly in tennessee and so we headed back home. i drove all night on 1-75 and made it home at nine thirty sun a.m. he still isn't well so i cancellled. was really looking forward to the trip and so was he but these things happen. now i know how to drive 1-75 in the dead of night . lol just keeping you up to date on my crazy life jessie


So Sorry,

by pacergirl - 2010-02-03 11:02:13

Jessie you are right... these things happen. Perhaps the is a reason that we can't quite understand that you are not supposed to be in Florida. I am pleased to know that you are safe at home now. Maybe next week you can try again. I find it amazing the strength of women. When we find ourselves in difficult situations we really can step up and get things done. Be it driving through the the dead of night or finding the inner strength to say I will stop feeling sorry for myself.
Good job of getting you and your brother back home safe.
Thank you for keeping us posted on your crazy life.


by jessie - 2010-02-03 11:02:40

you know i think god got us home. it was freezing cold and the slush was frozen . not good. i had to cancel our place and we will probably not get in there next year. oh well we will find a place. i doubt now if we will return.we have lost our good size deposit but these things do happen. i think my brother is happier at home....everyone is interferring and i think it is our decision.so we will decide when he is feeling better. jessie

Glad U R Home

by ppt - 2010-02-04 11:02:19

Sooooo glad U R home safely ! Both of you take care and get some sleep !!!

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