Fibre Optic cables

Hi every one, thanks for all your advice and comments and need your help again. . I have just had the new Fibre Optic cables aplied in my home, and from the time I entered the house I felt a discomfort in my chest and tinglings in my fingers and left arm.I was forced to turn the complete modem off.
the technician returned and disconnected the WIFI and reconnected my previous wifi. That did not work, I felt the same and turned the internet box of completely.

my question is, does fiber optic cables and wifi affect Pace Maker devices? and what can I do? please give urgent replys as I don't know what to do next. Regards Foxy.


Don't know much about fiber optic but

by Gotrhythm - 2014-06-10 01:06:52

Your question made me so curious, I looked it up on the 'Net. Keywords: fiber optic cable magnetic interference.

The article said, "In fiber optic cables the signal is carried by light, not electricity, and so cannot create a magnetic field."

If they can't generate a magnetic field at all, it's hard to see how they could affect a pacemaker.

I"m wondering if you should look somewhere else for the cause of your symptoms. A lot of things things can cause both tingling in the arms and fingers and chest discomfort.

call your dr

by Tracey_E - 2014-06-10 03:06:05

Wifi and fiberoptics will not cause any interference, definitely not your symptoms. Even if it did cause symptoms, that's not what would happen. Don't assume it's something external, get it checked out asap. Not to alarm you, but chest discomfort can be a HEART ATTACK and tingling fingers can be a STROKE. Hopefully it's not but if there is any chance at all, you should be headed to be seen, not on here talking to us.

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I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.