
Hi everyone!

I work at a hospital with kids and we were playing pranks on the nurses and parents and one of the kids had those fake pens that when you click it,it shocks you. I did it a couple times and didn't think twice about it until someone else said "Wow that hurts, better not let anyone with a pacemaker use it!" He didn't know I have one and I didn't say anything but I hadn't thought about that at all. Does anyone know if those shocking toys do anything bad? I've had my pacemaker for five years now and sometimes I forget I have it...oops!

Thank you! I hope everyone has a fantastic day!


Shocking experience

by ElectricFrank - 2008-09-10 08:09:14

I'm not familiar with the shocking toy pens. Are you sure whether it is an electrical shock or does it vibrate and feel like a shock. I remember something like that way back when I was a kid that we held in the palm of our hand when we shook hands with someone.
Even if it did produce a mild shock the current would have to pass through your skin very close to the pacer to have any effect.


Hi Taylor

by joy1 - 2008-09-11 10:09:55

You sound like your young and you should be able to have fun playing harmless practical jokes. Actually, we all should be able to or look to having some fun in our lives regardless of our age. Laughter is a great medicine!

I don't know if your pen has enough of an electrical charge to effect someone with a PM but if you shock someone with an ICD, that might be a different story. ICD recipients have them because they have issues with their hearts rhythm. The shock might scare them enough to cause their heart rate to jump, setting off their ICD. Or, like me, I have been shocked alot. Anytime I get a static shock, like from walking across the floor, I start crying cuz it scares me so bad because I think I'm getting a BIG shock. This reaction is called Post Traumatic Stress Syndrom or PTDS, make sense? You are a smart guy for asking about the possible effects! Thank you for being thoughtful.


You know you're wired when...

You have a little piece of high-tech in your chest.

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So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.