Osun EMF Meter

I had my PM fitted in July 14 and I work where EMF may be present. On the opening page I see that Osun advertise there EFM meter. Does anynone have one and doesit work?


Medtronic ADDR01

by xbvg10 - 2014-08-28 07:08:32

4 weeks

Disregard Medtronic

by xbvg10 - 2014-08-28 07:08:47

Sorry, thought that was a general survey lol


pacer type

by pioxen - 2014-08-28 07:08:47

What kind of pacer do you have. Make and model...?

PM type

by Sandy59 - 2014-08-29 12:08:38

I have a Biotronik PM


by Rogue427 - 2014-08-30 12:08:04

I have a ST. Jude's ICD- PM.
Also had a OSUN for at work until some low life took it. Always left it in my drawer at work. I'm a electrician and took it on all my calls. It would light up near welders. They do work.


by Sandy59 - 2014-08-31 03:08:03

Thanks. I work where high frequency radio signal may be present. I am concerned about some of the equipment. I think I will invest in one

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