There is a cure for A-Fib.

From the Boston A-Fib Symposium, January 11-13, 2007.
Here is an excerpt from the conference.
New research and medical developments in A-Fib, featured a live demo of a Cryo balloon catheter ablation at Massachusetts General. Cryo ablation seems to be significantly safer for patients than standard RF ablation. The Cryo balloon catheter may become a major improvement in the treatment of A-Fib. It has already been approved in Europe, with close to 100% success rate in isolating the PVs ( Pulmonary Vein openings) and 75-80% success in keeping patients free of A-Fib without anti-arrhythmic drugs.
The A-Fib medical community seemed somewhat in awe of the French Bordeaux group's recently reported 95% success rate in curing Persistent A-Fib. ( The French seem to have definitely raised the bar for curing A-Fib. Their methods and success rates will probably soon become standard operating procedure for many centers in the US.
To read more, go to :
That's good news for all of us a-fib sufferers.
Take care everyone,
~ Dominique ~


A fib

by mechanicalme - 2007-05-04 08:05:12

I just got reconected after many months off.
My hubby has A-fib
I will look into the info.

Just did and interestingly enough he has a potassium deficiency that contributes to his kidney stones...connections?

btw, if this is the posting you were upset about not getting a reply to it may be because it was info sharing not a direct question.

Thanks for your thoughts and info.

A fib

by mechanicalme - 2007-05-04 08:05:21

I just got reconected after many months off.
My hubby has A-fib
I will look into the info.

Just did look it up, interesting. Especially the link to potassium. He has a potassium deficiency which has contributed to the production of kidney stones as well?!

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