######## ANOTHER CELEBRATION! ########

MARTY'S BIRTHDAY ( plumberman ) JULY 5, 1956.

Today is your day to shine, to dream, and to make some plans for things you'd like to try.
To do what you want, to have your cake and eat it too, and to celebrate yourself, because this day belongs to you.

Have a super day!

~ Dominique ~


Happy Birthday, Marty

by Wannabe - 2008-07-05 09:07:18

With every good wish on your birthday, Marty. Many Happy Returns!

Can't subscribe to Jessie's recommendation about doing "something fun like golf". "Golf" and "fun" are mutually exclusive, aren't they? The girl has no imagination at all!! I'm certain you can think of something more sensational on your birthday. Whatever you decide to do today then enjoy it. With kindest thoughts from England. Wannabe

happy birthday martin

by jessie - 2008-07-05 12:07:53

lol happy birthday to you marty. hope it is fine. we sat on the riverbank my daughter grandson and myself and watched the american fireworks to-night. they were spectacular. i go every year because of course they have more amazing fireworks because they have more money because they are such a big country...... hope you do have your cake on this birthday and do something fun like golf. all the best to you jess

Just dropping you a line....

by Suzzy - 2008-07-06 10:07:09

to wish you a HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY....Marty... I do hope and trust you had a good one, and BEHAVED!!

Keep smiling,


Birthday ride

by pacergirl - 2008-07-06 10:07:37

Hello Plummerman....
My goodness, I have missed you.... and still am!
So you have had a nice birthday, well how about that! ha ha! I can only hope that you took your little Volvo out for a nice spin and enjoyed it to the max!
Happy Birthday dear friend.... may you enjoy many, many more!
love, Pacergirl <:-)
p.s. I have my party hat on for you!

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99% of the time, I totally forget I even have this device.