*********** A BIRTHDAY WISH! **********

TO DEBRA ( bambi ) BORN SEPTEMBER 13, 1956.

Dear Debra.

You have a very special place in our pacer family, and an even more special place in our hearts.
May all your wishes come true, today and always.


~ Dominique ~


Very Happy Birthday......

by Bionic Beat - 2008-09-13 01:09:19

You've been a wonderful example to everyone on this forum.

By sharing your trials and showing your strenghts, you've become on of my "special people" and will have a spot in my heart forever.

May you have many more terrific birthdays, Bambi.

Bionic Beat

Happy Birthday!!!!

by brokenheart - 2008-09-13 03:09:25

Or Feliz Cumpleanos in my spanish....lol
Hope you have a wonderful day and all your wishes come true. God bless you and give you lots of health and happiness. ;-)


by jessie - 2008-09-13 07:09:21

hi here is your birthday again. of course you hold at 39 look it and have passed the good genes done to missy muffett. i hope you have a great birthday. it is a sat. so maybe you can eat some cake preferably made fresh by someone else. continue to enjoy the arts. have fun love,jess


by pacergirl - 2008-09-13 08:09:16

How cool is that! I get so excited when I read of birthdays here.
You are such a beautiful spirit and I am happy to send Birthday Wishes to you!
I hope you have a lovely day and get everything you wish for.
Take care, blessings,

You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

Focus on the good and not the bad.