It has been years since i have been here. I have 2 boys age 9 and 8 both with pacemakers both where inserted at birth due to complete heartblock. My husband age 39 received his pacemaker in 2004. My boys are doing so great i take them every 6 months for their check ups and PM check ups. They call their PM Batteries. Both of them even play Rugby wich i will have to stop at the end of the year.

The reason for my post is that my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer end of last year. They removed a huge tumor and he received 6 weeks of radiation therapy. He has had a few MRI scans and there was no problem with his pacemaker. He is due to have another MRI in August to see how much the rest of the tumor shrank after therapy.

Will let you know how it went. Regards from South Africa



by COBradyBunch - 2009-07-26 01:07:01

When I had my one month check I asked my doc about MRI's (due to multiple joint related injuries in my past), he paused, thought for a second and then said well, lets deal with that if it ever becomes an issue. He then said that MRI's were not the NEVER with a pacemaker they once were.

PM and MRI

by maryanne - 2009-07-26 01:07:02

Very are the first person I have heard from who has first hand experience with a PM and MRI machines. I have read lots of literature on it becoming possible...but todate they say it is still very risky.....I am so glad to hear that this can be done.....Could you send me a private message I am so interested on how they did this for your husband....I am so thankful to hear that they could.

My thoughts are with you all come August.....

Cheers Mary Anne


by batteryboys - 2009-07-26 02:07:42

Hi Mary Anne
My e mail adres is you can mail me and i wil you tell you how they did it.


by maryanne - 2009-07-27 01:07:18

Just a little update.....

After getting your message Lande I spoke with the PM tech at the hospital I work far as he knew that is not done here and has never heard of using ice.....interesting to say the least.

As far as hereditary....being one of 12 children with 5 children having PM's and now 2 nieces and 1 nephew our family is been reviewed by a geneticist and to date we have been told there we have a degenerative gene which affects not only affects the heart muscle but other muscles (which we have seen in other family memebers).

So again as it stands there is no MRI's for PM patients here in BC....I am still researching....

Great discussion....thank you....

Cheers Mary Anne


by batteryboys - 2009-07-27 03:07:24

Hi Peter
Yes Peter it is heredity. Besides my husband and 2 boys my father in law has a pacemaker and his brother has one two. Todate we have 10 family member with pacemakers. I lost 3 babies due to cogenital heartblock.

In 2006 i had another healty baby boy with no signs of heartblock.


by pete - 2009-07-27 03:07:37

What a story. Your family must be a one off on planet earth. Does this mean that a heredity link came into play here ? Nice to hear from someone from South Africa. We are in the UK .Cheers Peter

best of luck

by mytrose43 - 2009-07-28 12:07:54

just wanted to wish you and your family the best of luck...


lots of love

by Hot Heart - 2009-07-30 07:07:10

you are all in my prayers

HH x

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