Evening all...

Hi all, I havent checked in on this for a while but had a pm check yesterday and wanted to vent a little. Hope nobody minds. Im 26, Irish and have the pm 3 years and it has made a big difference.
What gets me is that I was never 'diagnosed' as such. I was told I have and electrical fault and that a pm was my best option. I was having 'episodes' for many years where palpitations and sweating would start then my heart rate would drop dramatically, I would get a tightness in my chest and essentially faze out. Then a rush of blood would go to my face and pins and needles all over my body. These episodes would last all day and the next morning I would be completely normal until maybe 2 weeks later when it would all kick off again.
I would really appreciate if anybody who may have experienced similar symptoms would send me a mail. Or maybe someone out there has a name for what i was experiencing....
I also wanted to ask it there is a more permanent pm card available. I have a thin piece of white card with my details on it in a little plastic cover but after 3 years of being in my wallet, it looks pretty shabby...Any plastic ones out there???
Thanks all for your continued support and words of wisdom, Donna :)


hi Donna

by pacergirl - 2009-08-14 09:08:22

I don't have any experience with the symptoms you were having, but I can suggest a way to get a new card.
There is a phone number on the back of the card. Just call them and explain that you require a new ID card. see if there is a way to send you a stronger one. Mine is actually heavy plastic like a credit card. I have called St. Jude Medical before when I had a question about magnetic badges that I was going to be wearing while at work. They were very nice and knew exactly what to do.
Call them, maybe they can help.

Cheers, Pacergirl


by Pookie - 2009-08-14 10:08:27


Can you not just ask your doctor for a copy of your medical file? In that file there would have to be the reason why you received your pacemaker.

I am not a doctor nor in the medical field, but some of your symptoms sound like Neurocardiogenic Syncope. And I'm going to guess that you have low blood pressure. Perhaps it could also be Hypotension? You might even want to take a good look at any of the side effects of any drugs you may be taking. Personally, I'd make an appointment with whomever suggested the pacer and ask him/her for a copy of the records.

Your ID card...like Pacergirl said, you can call the company and they will send you a new card.

Hope this helps.



by pete - 2009-08-15 02:08:02

Pacing services are known to be very poor in Ireland worse than the UK. I am not surprised you had too put up with so much for so long. As for your card I would take it to an office services business and ask them to laminat it. Mine was laminated by the hospital but it was not to my liking so I did it again on my laminator. If you send me your address by private message and details on card I can make one up for you free off charge. Over and out with an old Irish proverb " May the chicken that scratches on your grave never be hatched" Cheers Peter

similar symptoms

by Hot Heart - 2009-08-19 05:08:18

Hi there, i thought i was in the menapause! lol. seems it was 3rd degree heart block. Had similar feelings when I was young, often when I had periods. Never for a min did I think I had a heart problem


You know you're wired when...

You have rhythm.

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