I'm Back and Skiing!!!

Hey, pacers!

Well, I'm back from my trip to Africa...just WONDERFUL! I also had no qualms in any airport about my pm nor in any other places I visited where security was an issue. It was great to get out there and enjoy life...isn't that what having a pm is all about?!

I have also been out skiing since being home because our weather has dumped some surprises on us. Nice! I was wondering from you other pacers out there who ski...do you wear any protective gear for your pm? I don't and don't see why I have to really...and I'm usually the one to error on the side of caution. How about you other skiiers? If you do wear some protection, what is it or what do you do? I would like some info here if you don't mind sharing...

OK. Just wanted to check in and say, "hello."



Been skiing

by sln - 2010-02-27 06:02:02

Hi - I was skiing about a week ago and didn't wear any protection. It really didn't feel risky at all. But, I'm a pretty bad skier who sticks to the green and easy blue slopes exclusively and is very cautious. One thing about skiing is that it's almost impossible to fall forward - every time I've fallen has been on one hip or the other and the pacemaker site was in no danger. But if you're more likely to run into things or people - ski where there are lots of trees, or weave in and out amongst the beginners like me - and want protection, other people have posted about clothing that provides that. Maybe you could do a search for posts about protective clothing using the Search function at the top of the page?

hello yourself

by Hot Heart - 2010-02-27 12:02:05

Glad to hear that you had a fab hol, no I dont ski, but pleased that you are enjoying it.



by Tracey_E - 2010-02-28 08:02:45

I wear a helmet and lots of warm clothing for protection! As sln said, when I fall, I don't tend to land anywhere near my pm LOL. I don't know of any reason to try to protect the pm, it's already buried under a heavy jacket. You'd have to work really hard to take a direct hit to it while skiing, even if you were to take a bad fall in the trees or on a bump run. Ski injuries are usually to the head and limbs, not the chest.

Glad you enjoyed your trip!!! I've been reliving it with you through your fb photos. Breathtaking.

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Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.