In September 1st of 2006 my nightmare started. The doctors told me I needed a pacemaker so the same day I was hospitalized the make arragements to operate early that morning.

There were things I noticed before the operation. And I was uneasy about it but I told myself that they knew what they were doing, so I went along with it.

Please! I beg you!!! If you or anyone you know needs a pacemaker, be sure to get not one, but up to three doctors opinion and most of all, check the hospital & doctor experience and reputation. I made mistakes which now I can't take back.

The following statements, were things I noticed before, during and after the operation. Since I was so upset, been so young and needing a pacemaker, I wasn't in the right mind to make choices.

The first mistake I made was choosing a hospital that always have had a bad reputation. The second one was not to get a second opinion. The third was not to question their procedures and not to speak up about was I have seen that it was wrong.

The day of the operation, on the way to the operating room I notice that the bed were I was going to be operated on was quite small.... my arms were hanging. Although I was concerned I didn't say anything because I thought they knew what they were doing.

After the operation, the doctor told me I had to keep my arm put for 18 hours and I was in terrible pain. At the hospital, I had to get up to go to the bathroom, in one ocassion the nurse couldn't find my vein and she had to call another nurse to inject something on me and she also left a needle in my bed which another male nurse mentioned in a sarcastic manner when he came back to take my vitals hours later.

In one occasion I almost throw up in bed because I was calling the nurse and noone was coming. I was in terrible pain and in that condition I had to get up to go to the bathroom. They did not inserted any of those little tubes that make you go to the bathroom and goes to a plastic container, which could have been very helpful for someone who has been operated hours before.

When the cardiologist visited me, he asked me how I felt, explained a few things and he even mentioned that he had trouble implanting the pacemaker. I couldn't wait to go home. This hospital does'nt take good care of their patients and I was there practically on my own if it wasn't for my husband.

The following week I went for my first stress and pacemaker check. My arm was still completely stiff and in terrible pain. I never questioned it at that time because I thought that it was normal since it was only a week since my operation.

I was supposed to go see the doctor in three months, but I had to go sooner since I had to go back to work in 8 weeks and I couldn't the way I feel. I wrote a letter to the doctor concerning my arm since it was stiff, in terrible pain and I needed help to get dress, comb my hair and even to take a shower so he can extend my time out of work.

On that visit he suggested I'll get a kat scam (and another proceduce which I don't recall the name right now) in my shoulder area. It came out that I had a blood clot in that area for which I had to take pills for months. He also suggested I get some therapy for my shoulder. He also send me back to the hospital to reposition the pacemaker.

After months of therapy, which for me is a scam... a joke... a ripoff that shouldn't be allowed. They give appointments to do some "exercises and procedures" there, are their place that are so... ridiculous that I don't understand why noone has pull the plug on these individuals.

What they told me to do and did to me there is something that anyone with a few example sheets can do them at the convenience of your own house without incurring into more debt from the co pay that aren't cover. Someone at the insurance company or elsewhere is profetting with those useless treatments.

They also put me to sleep for a procedure that I don't recall the name right now since it's been more than 3 years, that made my arm get even worst.

Needless is to say that I have been in pain since the first operaion. My arms some days feels better but even then, If I walk for long periods of time I have to use a sling or walk for less than 30 minutes.

I changed doctors in 2007 and thankfully found a good doctor. But my life has never the same. I have been seeing this doctor 2 times a year but as the year progress my health was getting bad. I had shortness of breath, dizziness to the point of fainting and in the last 6 months I couldn't even walk a few short steps withougt feeling I was going to fall in the floor.

Since my new doctor is an hour away, and I have lost my job, and savings due to my health problems I sometimes have waited even 8 months to check the pacemaker. But since I was feeling so bad I decided to see him soon.

I saw my doctor in February of this year. I didn't even have to explained to the doctor my situation. As they checked the pacemaker they find out one of the lead was not working properly.... yes, after all had been said and done, I needed a new operation. The lead had to be extracted/replace, he told me(they couldn't get it out) and a new pacemaker had to be implanted.

I had my third operation on April 8. The Cardiologist(one of two in my area, who does this type of operation)told me that the reason the other lead got broken was because it was underneath my collar bone.

I do feel better after this operation. No more dizziness, fatique, shortness of breath so far. My arm still heart a lot. Both my cardiologist and that perfomed the operation couldn't assure me the pain in my arm was going to go away with the operation.

I haven't been able to have therapy since the first time since I can't pay for the copays, although right now I am going to try to go to a neurologist.

In my heart I truly believe that the first doctor hurt me and the hospital were negligent. But it is hard to prove it because these doctors have so much power that they are getting away even with the deaths of patients. The other doctors, even if they find something wrong they get evasive. They don't want to get involve so if they do something wrong, noone either gets involve.

Another thing that saddens me is that my arm and shouldner, even though doesn't look even the same as the other, and that I cannot fully stretch my arm like before the first operation, I feel like doctors don't believe or don't want to believe me, even though I have proof of my predicament.

I hope anyone who is going to have a pacemaker implanted read this and take the control of their life and heath in their hands. Do no trust anyone. Ask questions and get other medical opinions. If you have insurance, go to the hospital that can offer the best medicine that money can buy.... even if you have to travel a few hours to get there.

Be vigilant and don't make the same mistakes I made because you can end up unable to work for the rest of your life and terrible pain.



by Jayson20 - 2010-06-01 05:06:20

Thank you for sharing your experience. But you haven't told us what your condition/diagnose was ?

I do agree it is important to check all the option before making the step to pacemaker, except if one is in a emergency.

Sorry to hear your bad news

by Hot Heart - 2010-06-01 05:06:33


I've just read your three posts, I have great sympathy for what you have gone through.

As with all medical procedures things can go wrong, my mum died after a simple medical procedure which has saved the lives of many, I have lymphodema after a small procedure on my leg.

Unfortunately you are one of the small minority who have had a bad problem after receiving a pacemaker, but for the majority of people having a pacemaker enhances or even saves their lives.

Even though I am in pain with my legs, and even though my mum died, I would still not tell others to go ahead and have the surgery.

I do agree that we should always ask questions, I didnt have the opportunity because I was rushed in as an emergency in 3rd degree heart block.

I do agree that it is very difficult to prove negligence against a doctor, they do close ranks.

I wish you well for the future, I do hope that you will improve.

I am a little worried though that some people may come into here seeking reassurance and may be put off by reading your post.


There are things to think about

by sugarleaf4 - 2010-06-01 06:06:19

I also am sorry you have experienced a difficult time working with the medical professionals you have encountered. I understand how upset and distrusting you feel because of those experiences ----- I also have had some negative experiences with cardiologists. However, I will say this ------- there is a light at the end of that miserable tunnel if you are persistent and feel that you are worth the effort (and you are worth every single minute).

Yes, I know you're angry (so was I), but don't focus so much on your anger, but invest your time in working with your new cardiologist to find solutions to your problems. I'm speaking from experience when I write this: Don't give up and begin to feel, "Oh well . . . this is just the way things are!" Don't allow yourself to give in the "Oh hum" attitude or things won't get better for you.

I encountered what could have been a horrible outcome had I simply just went with the flow and didn't question what the cardiologist told me (or rather what he didn't tell me), but I just wasn't content with what he said or how he spoke me. So, I kept looking for a cardiologist that would treat me as a patient who has a problem to solve and I did find a place. I now see the light at the end of the tunnel and so will you.

Take some time and read some of the posts here and you will discover that lots of members are very happy and content with their medical professionals and you deserve that same right. There are some fabulous cardiologists who care very much about their patients so give your new cardiologist the chance to prove to you that he/she is one of the better ones. Don't let one bad (cardio) apple ruin your faith in others in that profession!

If you feel you were given a lemon deal (as I did), then work to make the best lemonade you can from that lemon. This site is very supportive and informative and if you want emotional support and information about how to deal with your pm situation, you've got the right site, dear!!

I wish you the best and hope you feel better!!

-- Gloria

Hello Again....

by bellereve - 2010-06-01 07:06:44

I want to emphasize and make clear that I am not trying in any way, shape or manner to discourage anyone from any medical need or attention or intervertian that they may need. Not at all! I will never do that. But I do feel the need to warn people that you have to be careful, specially with your health. At least 1/3 of Doctors today only care about how many operations they can perfom or how many patients they can see in one hour to make as much money as they can.

As per my new doctor. So far he seems to be a kind soul and I am very happy with him. I regret not doing my search or research before I summited myself to those incompetent butchers without checking all the options. After all, a pacemaker is something that if needed, you can take a few weeks to make sure you make the right choice.

Since my situations was unexpected, and I wasn't thinking, I made mistakes and for that reason I have paid dearly. Without putting down all the medical profession, I do want to make people aware that they do have choices and that when you/we take the time to investigate all of the options, it can save us from an incompetent Doctor or medical facililty.

Another thing I wanted to point out is that I am not angry or bitter. I apologized if it sounded that way. I do feel pain every day and it is sometimes overwhelming but my faith in God gives me strenght. I do feel like(and I repeat)since my last operation that I should say something about it so maybe, just maybe, can help someone out there to not suffer what I have gone through.

Thanks for your comments....


by pacergirl - 2010-06-01 09:06:18

So sad to know you have had such a rough time with doctors. I do hope that the new cardiologist can help you. Pain is something none of us enjoy.

I would like to add... that most Drs. are good people. I hesitate to label 1/3 of all the Drs. as "out for nothing but money". That may be how you are feeling, however that isn't how I feel.

Anyone looking at having any surgery should really look into the whys and wherefores. Ask questions, seek professional advice and it you don't feel that it is the right thing for you... step back and think about it if time will allow.

In my case, like many others, there were no options. I was nearly dead when I spoke to the cardiologist. I also suffer from Heart Block and some additional heart aliments including DVT.


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