Hand Punch and clocking in devices??


My workplace has just had a clocking in handpunch put in. It scans your hand so no fibbing about being late :D
It made me feel quite unwell when close to it earlier so Ive contacted Medtronic and The manufacturer....It says in the manual that it generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energyand can cause harmful interference with radio communications.

Anyone use one at work or is my vaultage too high or sensitive?

Thank you


Nice try

by Theknotguy - 2015-10-19 10:10:31

I think you need to join forces with the other lady on the forum who felt ill after walking around a big box store for an hour. Don't argue she felt badly but I don't see how the store security system had anything to do with it.


by Alma Annie - 2015-10-20 08:10:40

I don't do much with electronics but I have noticed that I sometimes react to things that people on this site say you won't. PA systems if I get too close. Generators, I have to be about 2 metres away, unlike the 6 inches suggested. Having a wand to have access to court, when I asked for a pat down instead, they refused. I felt quite peculiar for about 15 minutes. (I won't be having this again, they always pat me down at the airport!)
I think it is a question of trial and error and to keep away from things that affect you. I am also thin, in fact underweight, and my pm sticks out. Whether this has any to do with one's reactions, I don't know. I am 100% dependant in atrium.
Alma Annie

Thank you :)

by MagsyRu - 2015-10-20 09:10:08

Alma annie and Rewired thank you so much!
I too am a small femalie, Ive just turned 31, my brother also recieved his first pacer this year at 22 so I speak on behalf of both of us sometimes, its confusing and at times scary to face so many changes, and educating those i work with has been the hardest of all.
My pacer sticks out lots already and is very noticeable, I am proud of it but I get a little overwhelmed by all the information, or lack of it, that you get. I was only properly diagnosed in june, our mother passed away 10 years ago from undiagnosed heart issues, I feel very lucky to be here, and also very greatful for recieveing a nice and positive response to my first ever post on here! Thank you.
My Dr has said 'If you feel unwell dont go near it and ask the right questions' so I think ive done the right thing and regardless of any negativity from others Im determined to make the best of it!
thank you both again :)

How rude...

by MagsyRu - 2015-10-20 09:10:54

Haha Im not worried or making excuses about being late, Im always 15 minutes early so I think you are assuming the worst about me!! Im just asking to eliminate the mass amount of other things in the reception area, having only had my pacemaker for 4 weeks Im still learning and have no intentions of letting it rule my life, as you can imagine I assumed asking 'the experts' such as yourselves would be a better option that causing a fuss at work.....I now know thats not always the case. I do however take on board your comments regardless of how little respect they show towards a genuine question.
Thank you for your warm concerns

I agree, MagsyRu

by rewired - 2015-10-20 12:10:08

I am disappointed that a genuine concern by a member has been handled in such an off-hand manner. I have just come home from my local electronics shop. It is small, family run, and they have been helping me for the last 5 years. I entered to buy an ear plug/microphone set for my phone. Last night a good friend in a Gov. position told me to buy one because he was coordinating research results which show conclusively that the magnetic fields around cell phones (he used more technical expressions) are range dependent, i.e. if you are far from an antenna, the search capacity is on boost, and the worst period is just after dialing. These results show that the smarter phones are getting, the worst the fields are, up to four times worst! I have a Google Motorola, and I already knew it is one of the highest emitters. I cannot put this phone near my chest, I go straight into tachycardia 175 - 185, it is on my readouts. I have trouble using a portable computer and must lean back to avoid dizziness and tachy, I use my iPad WITHOUT the extra baggage of the cover with magnets.
Buying the earphones took five minutes, but I noticed I felt disoriented. I put it down to how I describe things in this store and the fact that when I say "I put the round bit into the other thingy..." they roll their eyes. I moved to near the cash desk and started to ask another question while paying. Immediate tachycardia, there was a box of components next to me. I moved and the assistant followed me. Very short improvement, then it started again, plus dizziness and nausea. He took me by the arm and we went outside to continue speaking. Stopped. My 'everyday' tachycardia is in the 140-165 range, post ablation.
Treat your concerns seriously, there may be a reason to, and it is better to investigate early than have problems later. From the tag "Theknotguy" it seems obvious that a male is speaking. I suspect that Cabg Patch is also male, although the profile does not reveal anything. Are you female MagsyRu? I am a 60 female, I weight 58 kilo, and have small shoulders. My pacemaker is close to my shoulder and quite obvious. My lack of excess fat and build and the subsequent lack of 'insulation' may mean that my body reacts differently to a bigger, bulkier male one. I take my body's reactions seriously. You should feel free to ask questions at your work place and do a trial-and-error test. You should also feel free to ask any question you like here, and be confident that we treat fears seriously. Welcome to the Pacemaker Club.


by judyblue - 2015-10-21 01:10:02

If I had gotten a response like this 2 years ago, I would have never been back on since. Let's remember those new need kindness and compassion not sarcasm. I received good advice and lots of patience. My response to MagsyRu is if you feel badly in a situation pay attention. Perhaps it was an isolated incident or not. Many on this site have said try something and then see how you feel. It's advice I heed. I sincerely hope you continue to post and be apart of this site. The vast majority here remember being new. Welcome.

Use Caution with trolls

by Grateful Heart - 2015-10-21 02:10:31

There is a troll here. He constantly spews misinformation and likes to get into arguments. He responds to almost every post in great length while not saying much except about himself. He was just called out again...a few threads down under "Hot Tubs". He gets called out a few times a week. He doesn't respond when men call him out but gets nasty when women call him out...he stops for a few days and then starts up again.

Unfortunately, there has been a drop in participation on this site. It used to be more active but people are tiring of this troll.

Good, knowledgeable and helpful members only respond once in a while now. Without their willing participation it will become a "read only" site. It's a shame because this is a great site but is indeed full with rudeness and misinformation from him. Take heed.

If no one speaks out this will only continue so stand up and speak out members. Many long time members are complaining in private messages but no one wants to be the one to say it out loud.

Well...here it is...loud and clear.

Grateful Heart

You know you're wired when...

You have a 25 year mortgage on your device.

Member Quotes

I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.