
Has anyone ever had to have their pacemaker repositioned because they have lost weight. I have lost 65 lbs and my pacemaker is more prominent. It rubs on everything and I can feel it if I sleep on my stomach. I've had the thing for 4 years without many problems, but this is starting to bother me.



re pm and weight loss

by belly321 - 2007-10-28 12:10:17

hi peggy
i recently lost over three stone in weight (deliberatly) and felt much better but developed problems with the pm site including the pm flipping over and moveement and pain when swimming. my consultant was very good (second opinion) and explained that all the problems were due to the weight loss and pocket enlarging and fat loss in pm area. he told me to keep weight loss off and im going to have pm repositioned soon. new site is going deep behind chest muscle. hopefully this should be much better as ive got more weight to lose yet. take care

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