Negative Ion Clothes

I have an ICD for VT and AF recently. A friend recommended trying on negative ion clothings to regulate the heart beat. Of coz to begin slowly from socks first.

Anyone have experience wearing negative ion clothes? Does it cause interference? As I heard it has to do with electro static. Thanks in advance.


No, but....

by Lurch - 2015-08-19 03:08:30

I do have a bridge for sale!

A testimonial

by IAN MC - 2015-08-19 05:08:06

I bought one of your helmets, Patch , and I can honestly say that , since buying it , I have had no problems from solar flares !

That was the best $29.95 I have ever spent.


wasted money

by Cabg Patch - 2015-08-19 05:08:32

don't waste your money on such nonsense. I offer a helmet made of unobtainium that is a far better tool for your needs for the low low price of $29.95 US. And if you order now, we throw in a set of CDs showing people getting a Jesus Jolt from their ICD and dancing the Macarena. But wait, the helmet also protects against solar flares...Hurry supplies are limited. Operators are standing by

You paid too much Ian

by Grateful Heart - 2015-08-20 02:08:39

I got Patch's helmet for a bargain...$19.95 on clearance although I thought the $39.95 shipping and handling was a bit high.

But for was worth it!!

Grateful Heart

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

by Janenotarzan - 2015-08-20 02:08:57

After a challenging week, my spirits are NOW officially lifted! Love this place!

Dear Grateful Heart

by Janenotarzan - 2015-08-21 03:08:28

Did you get yours on Ebay or Amazon? Or was it a TV special or area Swap Meet? I just really "feel" like I am "supposed" to "find" one of these helmets & am on a "quest" for one. Also, for the negative-Ion clothing and a pair (size 8) of the negative-heel 'Earth Shoes' I wore in Jr. High & H.S.
P.S. also, a 'Mood Ring' would be nice so I can "see what condition my condition is in!"
Peace! ~Jane

You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

My ICD/pacer is not a burden. I still play tennis and golf.