~!~!~hApPy B-dAy~!~!~

Yes, that's right, another pacer birthday!
Happy Birthday!

Heckboy: March 26, 1962

which means you are 20 minus 10 times 4 divided by 4 plus 80 minus 35 minus 10 years old :)
Did you know you share this birth date (not year) with singer Diana Ross and actor Martin Short? That's some useful information right there. Savor it. hehe
Take care,


keep going

by dbmurf - 2007-03-26 01:03:28

happy b-day lets tick on....murf

Happy Birthday!

by Stepford_Wife - 2007-03-26 03:03:39

Happy Birthday Heckboy! May all your wishes come true. Have a great day!
~ Dominique ~

Happy Birthday

by SMITTY - 2007-03-26 03:03:43

Valerie, I hope you don’t mind if I add a few more tidbits about March 26. In addition to the people you named, Actor Alan Arkin (1934), Actor James Cann (1939), Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Conner (1930), and Journalist Bob Woodward (1943) were also born on this day.

A few other items that I doubt that Heckboy remembers about the year he was born: Milk - $1.04/gal, Bread - $0.21/loaf, Gasoline - $0.26/gal., Average Income - $5,556.00/yr., and last, Dow Jones Avg. $652.10.

I guess it is true just like the song says, Time Changes Everything.



by jessie - 2007-03-26 04:03:22

the day you were born i was in my second year of nursing. hehe so yes you are like i say a baby. look at the price of gasiline now. haha my first child was born in 65 and my last in 67 which was canada's centennial year so i had a baby that year canada was 100 years old. flushaby diapers were just out and woolco always had them on sopecial for 1.44 for like 72 haha so time does change everything. this week our daughter is coming from calgary for 5 days without the children. ist time away ages 11 and sevewn. good for her. so happy birthday again., jessie

What a surprise!

by heckboy - 2007-03-26 10:03:08

How nice to wake up and find birthday messages. It's weird to be 45 (which seemed old as a kid), but to still feel like a kid.

Thank you! You guys have a great day too!


happy birthday

by jessie - 2007-03-26 12:03:09

happy birthday heckboy. you are still a baby. believe me you are. so have a great birthday and give thanks to this wonderful site and that little implant that has given you time! god bless and have a wonderful day.

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Like the Energizer Bunny, you keep going.

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