Tommie cooper

Does anyone know if wearing a Tommie Cooper shirt interferes with the PM.


I had to look it up!

by SaraTB - 2015-11-14 12:11:07

I was confused at first because Tommy Cooper was a famous English comedian, and I was trying to work out why a t-shirt with his face on it might be an issue . . . :)

I see the brand is a compression shirt for athletics/workout etc, and claims to have a copper and zinc infusion in the fabric, to control odour. I'm not sure which part you have concerns about - the copper or the compression - but I can't imagine it could cause any problems at all. If you use the Search function at the top right of the page for "interference" you'll find some encouraging discussions on the subject. If it were an issue, we'd be warned to stay away from copper roofs, or copper sinks, right? Those old zinc-topped diner tables?

Of course, as a former retail buyer, I'd love to see the company's claims substantiation documents for the "odor control" caused by microbes. I know copper has excellent anti-microbial properties, but a shirt shouldn't smell if you wash it after every use anyway . . . (according to me, and I'm just a person on the internet though)

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