Tag alarms in shops

Hi everyone
This might sound a little weird.. But everytime I go into tesco (supermarket in the UK) the alarms that go off on shop lifters keep on going off when I walk through!! It's never a tag or anything in my bag that sets them off as it still does it when I walk into the store and now I don't even take my bag in because it's really embarrassing that people think I'm shop lifting. Can pacemakers set these alarms off? Also can they interfere with the device? I always feel really weary of walking through them ( I am definitely not a shop lifter) it's just getting really annoying now! it's not all stores just mostly that one! But a couple others do too!! Feedback please does this happen to anyone els? Should I bring it up with my doctor??



by Grateful Heart - 2015-11-19 01:11:14

It has happened to about a dozen of us on this site that have acknowledged it. Like you said, not all stores. Just walk through at a regular pace and do not linger by the security detectors at the front of the store.

You should have seen my husband's face when it happened to me on the way IN to a store.

There are some naysayers here....simply because it has not happened to them. (Sigh)

Grateful Heart

Me Too

by Artist - 2015-11-19 01:11:28

It happens to me every time I go into the Walmart store here in the US. It happens when I am on the way into the store and it makes me wonder if they think I am returning something that I stole! The first time it happened everyone in line behind me at the entrance froze in place and had horrified expressions on their faces. Now I just flash my medical ID bracelet and PM scar and on the way out warn security personnel that their store alarm is going to go off. Walmart is not exactly a high end store and I have no trouble shopping at other more upscale retailers.

me too

by knb123 - 2015-11-19 02:11:43

I make it a point to walk briskly through the portals at stores and it seems to help prevent alarming.

One time this spring I was browsing through merchandise placed close to one of those portals and it triggered the alarm. And I felt a little lightheaded at the same time (thanks, Ian, for reminding me about that). Alarm stopped and I felt better almost immediately thereafter...so there's something to be said about those devices!

store alarm

by bluebowtye - 2015-11-19 05:11:14

This happened to me a few months ago when I was walking IN a store. I was with my husband and we were the only ones near the doors. Security came right up and asked what I had in my purse to set off the alarm. I was so shocked I had totally forgotten I had a PM and that this could happen. After a couple seconds of total embarrassment I finally realized what happened and told them I had a PM and that it could trigger alarms. They were fine with that and let me in to do my shopping. I set it off again on my way out but they just waved me through. I have been to this store (Kohl's) a few other times since and thankfully have not set off the alarms. I have also set it off a couple of times at Target, again when I was walking in. I heard the alarm, but didn't realize it was my PM setting it off and nobody came to check on it. Now, I dread every time I have to walk through one of those security systems and try to walk as quickly as possible to avoid setting them off. I also set them off at a store in the mall while browsing through merchandise too close the door, but again couldn't figure out why the alarms kept going off. Nobody came to investigate and it wasn't until later that I realized it was my PM. Now, I always have my ID card ready, just in case.


by IAN MC - 2015-11-19 10:11:11

Rhiannalydia I was interested in your post , because I had problems mainly with Tesco stores here in the UK ( perhaps we should all use Sainsbury's or Lidl )

Although my PM doesn't set the alarms off, their security detectors triggered off my bradycardia before I ever had a PM.

I would regularly feel faint and dizzy on entering their stores so I used an HR monitor to see what was happening and found that the store security systems were causing quite a significant fall in my heart-rate which led to a pre-syncope feeling.

I discussed this at length with my cardiologist and showed him the data . He was very interested because one of his colleagues is doing research on the effects of Electro Magnetic Radiation on the sinus node in hypersensitive individuals.

There are some interesting things which seem to affect only some people and , as Grateful Heart says ,it is annoying when some individuals question the validity of these occurrences.



by revelation - 2015-11-25 01:11:42

I set them off at times too. You shouldn't stand between the security things on each side of the entrance because they can cause your device problems. So don't stop and stand between them, go through them quickly.

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