my husband

Dear pacer and ICD friends,

I just wanted you all to know that my husband lost his battle with heart disease last night. He was very very sick and just couldn't do it anymore. I want to thank you all for being such a great support and source of information while I was searching for answers for him.

Please keep up your good work and stay strong. God bless you all.




by jessie - 2007-06-29 01:06:00

god bless you kathy and i pray for god to give you strength in the days to come to accept this sudden loss of your partner. jessie

Dear Kathy

by valerie - 2007-06-29 03:06:26

Words cannot express how all your pacer friends on this site are deeply sorry for your loss.
From your posts, we were able to get a glimpse of what you and your family were going through. And from these posts, we know for a fact that you have a wonderful tenacious spirit and also such a loving and caring attitude. I know your husband would agree with this 100%.
Anyway, you and your family will be in my prayers, and I pray that God give you strength during this time; He is there to hear your prayers...He understands.

Therefore, I'm reminded of one of my favorite Bible verses that has helped me numerous times, and I hope it will give you the same comfort:
"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Hebrews 4:14-16

Please keep in touch; you're still a part of this family of pacers.
take care and God bless

Comfort in prayers...

by auntiesamm - 2007-06-29 04:06:05

Dear Susan,

Like the others I am so sorry for the loss of your dear husband. The two of you obviously had a wonderful marriage and you were such a tremendous support and caretaker to him. That is the kind of love most people long for in their marriages. If you are believer then you know where he is and is no longer in pain.. You know, too, that you will see him again when it is your time. If you are not a believer please know that those of us who are will continue praying for you and holding you close in our hearts. Let the prayers of all of us lift you up and give you comfort and peace. Please continue to be a part of our group. Take care of yourself - I ask God to bless and comfort you and your family in this time of grief.


by Shell - 2007-06-29 04:06:38

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You'll be in my thoughts.

May you continue to find support here

by pacergirl - 2007-06-29 09:06:04

Dearest Kathy,
How very thoughtful you are even in your time of need. I will be here for you. May you always feel welcome here and make yourself known. I care about you and hope to continue to lend an ear when you are ready.

With my deepest sympathy, pacergirl... susan.

Many Prayer

by tcrabtree85 - 2007-06-29 10:06:07

My thoughts and prayers are with your entire family. Please continue to keep us updated on how you are doing. May you feel God's comfort and peace at this time. Take care of yourself!

Oops! Wrong name

by auntiesamm - 2007-06-29 10:06:16

Hi Kathy - I apologize for calling you Susan! My mind must have still been on her message which was the first one posted. Call it a senior moment!

I'm so sorry

by Meerkats - 2007-06-29 10:06:51

My deepest sympathies. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Please Accept Condolences

by SMITTY - 2007-06-29 11:06:11

Our thoughts are with you in this time of sadness.
May you find comfort in the enduring beauty of God's
world, and in the warmth of happy memories.
With the passing of time, may the spirit of acceptance
and inner peace enfold you.

kathy's husband

by luckyloo - 2007-06-29 11:06:48

dear kathy,

i am so very sorry to hear about your husband. he was blessed to have such a caring and loving wife like you. please know you will be in my prayers. your husband is finally at peace in Heaven but unfortunately those of us on earth have to suffer the pain of the loss of our loved ones.

may God wrap His loving arms around you to comfort you through this difficult time.

God bless,

Your sad news

by snipsnapper - 2007-06-30 02:06:05

I just want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers at this time.

I am so sorry.

by Stepford_Wife - 2007-06-30 06:06:54

When somebody dies, a cloud turns into
an angel, and flies up to tell God
to put another flower on a pillow.
A bird gives the message back to
the world, and sings a silent prayer
that makes the rain cry. People dis-
appear, but they never really go away.
The spirits up there put the sun to
bed, wake up grass, and spin the
earth in dizzy circles. Sometimes you
can see them dancing in a cloud during
the day-time, when they're supposed
to be sleeping. They paint the rain-
bows and also the sunsets and make
waves splash and tug at the tide.
They toss shooting stars and listen to
wishes. And when they sing wind-
songs, they whisper to us, don't
miss me too much. The view is nice
and I'm doing just fine.
- Ashley

With deepest Sympathy,
~ Dominique ~

Dominique - Thank you!

by auntiesamm - 2007-07-01 04:07:59

Dominique - Thank you for posting the very lovely piece by "Ashley". Is it from a book, a card or some other written piece?

You know you're wired when...

Lifetime warranty no longer gives peace of mind.

Member Quotes

My eight year old son had a pacemaker since he was 6 months old. He does very well, plays soccer, baseball, and rides his bike. I am so glad he is not ashamed of his pacemaker. He will proudly show his "battery" to anyone.