To remember is to live...

haha...this always makes me mom always says "To remember is to live" ...and its so true. Remembering happy times in our lives and laughing about things in the past...that is the way to live! Sometimes i sit with my brother and remember the times when we were way younger kids getting into trouble and we laugh about the silly things we did. It almost makes me wish i was a kid again...but also makes me smile and want to really live life. To remember is to live. Remember the good times. Remember the silly things we used to do. Remember the crazy hair dos and weird things we did as kids. The trouble we used to get into. The times when nothing in the world mattered so long as we were having fun. God bless everyone!!!


you are so right

by walkerd - 2009-05-26 01:05:55

I dont think people remember the good time enough, all the dwell on are the bad things that happen. Its sad but I really think that is why the world is in the state it is. And then alot of times we only remember the good times when its to late to thank or make more memories with that person. Laughing is the best medicine. Wish all the best memories to everyone on here, I know Ive made some here.


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