
Hello every one. God bless! I have not been on for a while...Well i just was feeling a bit nervous because at my last check up doc said I have about 10 months left on my battery life. This was in December. I am a bit worried about having it go into the elective replacement time because the tech said my heart rate would drop to 65 beats per minute and would only beat in the atrium. I have a dual chamber pacemaker and I am 100 percent dependent on it. I am worried these settings would make me pass out since i still have atrial tachycardia, skipped beats and vasovagal disease. Does any one know if this is safe? I spoke with my insurance and they dont have any restrictions on when i can have the surgery but its all on the doctor. Also, will i be getting the same type of pacemaker? A medtronic one? Thanks and I hope you are all healthy and happy.



by appliedpiezo - 2012-01-27 07:01:23

Hello @brokenheart,

I was reading your comment and I am very saddened to hear about your burden due to your necessary battery replacement for your pacemaker.

My name is Victor Avina. I am from a newly formed company called Applied Piezo, Inc. We specialize in energy producing and harvesting. We are working on a product called IPEER that would eliminate the need for battery replacement procedures in pacemakers. Our product would be implanted on the ribcage and would power pacemakers, like yours, for longer than any human's lifespan.

Would you be interested in becoming an advocate for our product? With our company we aim to help people just like you: living with a pacemaker and nearing the end of the battery's life. We want follow-up procedures required to replace the battery in pacemakers to be a thing of the past. Going through the strife associated with heart arrhythmias are taxing enough without having to worry about battery replacement surgeries. Would you be interested in supporting our cause?

I would love to hear from you at your convenience. If you are interested, please email me at with any questions or responses.

Hope all goes well with your pending procedure and God bless.

Victor Avina


by donb - 2012-01-27 12:01:33

Hi Ms Brokenheart, I'm happy to read your update. As you'll have other comments about your upcoming PM replacement. Please don't get upset as the replacement surgery is so much easier than your original implant. As you've had your ablation I'm wondering why you're thinking of only being pace in your atrium. Don't think your Dr. completely explained what happens when your battery goes low inough to go into EOL mode.
I've had 4 PMs', the 1st three were Medtronic and now my 4th is a St Jude. As I also have exactly the same heart symtoms along with vasovagal, but still have conduction more or less like 1st degree and sometimes get into 2nd degree elctrical, but not complete block. My 2nd PM went into EOL (end of life) while in Lakeland, Fl and I didn't even know it until I got back home & did my regular phone check.

I don't think you'll have any problem to get your replacement early as I'm sure your Dr. understands you would become very anxious, and especially if insurance OK's it. Also as to brand of PM, I've had 3 Medtronic each with improvement and now my 4th, a St Jude has even more new features. Hopefully someone will post on your question of only atrium pacing, I don't understand that unless it's the very last of your PM battery. After the surgeries you've had, changing your PM (not leads) should be a piece of cake. donb

To early.

by sue norden - 2012-02-12 01:02:27

Hi Everyone. My name is Carolyn Sue, I have a Medtronic pacemaker and def, had them put in july 9, 2009, They told me it will last 4 to 5 years, Last week went to Drs office he said I needed a new pacemaker def and might have to change the leads which I have 3 riight now I guess I have a lot of sscar tissure around them he also wants to put a fouth lead in So I have to have this done next Tuesday, Valetimes Day What a way to spend the Day I guess I should look at it that Im doing something good for my Heart. Has anyone else had to have their put in eary? Please keep me in your Prayers for next Tuesday. may God Bless You All. Sue Ps Last time the dr did this it took 7 in a half hours, had to go back and had to move a lead cause it wasnt working right. I guess I have really small veins around my heart so its hard to get the leads in the right place.

You know you're wired when...

Bad hair days can be blamed on your device shorting out.

Member Quotes

I'm 43 and have had my pacemaker four weeks today. I'm looking forward to living another 50 years and this marvelous device inside me will help me do that.