Migration and shallowness

Hi All, I've had my pacemaker for about 3 years now. Before fitting I was a very fit Firefighter and I had it fitted to cover dropped heartbeats (around 3-5 per day apparently). I found I needed because I was suffering from postural hypertension which caused me to pass out on one occasion. I had to wear a 72 hour ecg which showed the dropped heartbeats. I have continued to train rigorously and am still pretty fit.
Before it was fitted, my resting pulse was going as low as 38bpm. It is now set at 55bpm at it's low point.
My question: I am moderately lean and moderately muscular, particularly across my chest. I am left-handed. My pacemaker has been fitted on the left which can get in the way. It appears to want to migrate towards my shoulder/upper arm and the outer edge of it is both very prominent and uncomfortable. It itches at best and is painful at worst. There is no discolouration of the skin.
Is this normal?
Thanks in advance,



by Tracey_E - 2010-03-18 09:03:28

Sometimes they do that! It's not common, but it's not unheard of either. Theoretically they're stitched into place but surgeons don't do it that way, or sometimes they are stitched but it comes undone, sometimes they're just stubborn and they move. If you can live with it, I'd suggest discussing it with your dr and making plans to reposition it when you have the battery replaced. Ask about putting it under the pectoral muscle, you may find that more comfortable and out of the way. If it's really bad, you could consider repositioning it sooner but it would mean an extra surgery. It's up to you how bad you feel.

Another option is moving it to the right side, but personally I would consider that a very last resort because it would mean getting new leads, nothing I'd ever choose when the leads already there are good.

Good luck!


by daisy41763@yahoo.com - 2010-03-19 11:03:12

I have had a pacer on my left side since nov 06 and it sticks on whenever I lean back and it does seem to shift some towards the shoulder bone also.
I cant cross my left arm over my right arm to scratch my back or reach around because it feels like the pacer is sticking me, I can feel the corner of what seems to be a huge box inplanted in me. I hate it too,
They say that you get used to it but, I still havnt.
Its just something that I have got to live with.
Since, your left handed I can see where it would seem to be a problems. I no longer use the left shoulder to carry things a handbag or any kind of strap that you would use to carry items. They recommended that I didnt carry things on that side also, or touch or put any pressure on the site. I avoid it peroid.
Good luck .

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