shoulder, neck arm pain

I am currently in physical therapy because of pain since my P.M. was inserted- also a marked lack of mobility on my left side. The P. T. has definately helped with my range of motion but I still have fairly constant shoulder discomfort. Anyone else have this and did you find a satisfactory solution?


Shoulder pain

by jenh - 2008-04-17 02:04:20

Hi Bonnie,

I think shoulder pain is extremely common following pacemaker insertion. My past experience is that it's the worst in the first couple of months after surgery, then gradually decreases. Although, even after almost a year since my last surgery, I find that when I'm really tired or have done alot of exercise, I notice it again. The things that help me the most are gentle stretching (to release the shoulder muscles), massage, and good old ibuprofen.

Good luck!


shoulder pain

by patpeter - 2008-04-17 07:04:13

Hi Bonnie,
I think it is probably more common than we think that people get shoulder pain after pm implant. The first thing we are told is not to raise your arm over your head x 4-6wks., this immobility can set up anyone for adhesive capsulitis or "frozen shoulder". You don't say what your diagnosis is regarding your shoulder pain, so it could be many things. I also wonder when your pm was implanted? These 2 things would have a bearing on how long your pain may last. I am a Physical Therapist so if you hav e been recieving therapy for more than a month and still are not getting better you should see your cardiologist who should refer you to an orthopedic MD to for some more testing etc. There are many ways to treat shoulder pain but first you have to get the right diagnosis.
I hope this helps and I hope your pain resolves soon.


pain in the ..... shoulder

by PreciousDays - 2008-04-23 10:04:07

I'm just past seven months post implant - and the pain in my arm and shoulder can be quite beastly on a regular basis. I am profoundly left handed. Used to ride a motorcycle - but couldn't do that now even if I still wanted to. I have very little strength in my left arm - I have a friend who is a PT who has helped some - but she tells me not to expect miracles. Actually that isn't the word she uses - but the sentiment is the same. Good luck and God Bless - PD

pain in shoulder

by jati1965 - 2008-04-29 03:04:20

I too have pain in my right and left shoulder and am attending physio left shoulder can be very bad especially when i sleep but right is getting better i have physio andthis has helped but it will take time somethimes i get very frustrated as i cant change my clothes quickly etc but it takes time 1-2 years even

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