Laser lead extraction


Has anyone ever had a laser lead extraction done before? I have a one lead PM that was due to be replaced tomorrow for a two lead PM. I had a venogram today where it was discovered that I have too much scar tissue around the current lead and the above procedure would need to take place before replacement with a two lead PM. I'd like to know the risks of this procedure, and if anyone had any complications while or after having it done. Thanks



by Cabg Patch - 2016-12-19 17:38:19

Pretty simple. Done all the time. Safest and fastest method to remove old leads. I had three removed last year after 10 years. 2 were helix style connectors (screwed in) and according to everyone present they just popped right out.

Laser lead extraction

by NickyH - 2016-12-26 17:15:00

Hi. I didn't have the laser lead extraction procedure in the end. It was decided that I wouldn't get much benefit by changing out the lead, so they just replaced the battery. This procedure went well and I'm already up and about! Thanks for your comments.

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