Frequent Heart pause 4 seconds. Do I need a pacemaker?

Hi everyone,

i am asking for advice really I am really worried. 

Firstly I am 33 years old. i have a Reveal Loop device implanted which downloads stats to my hospital once a month. They have found bradycardia, tachycardia and eptopic beats and also heart block where my heart pauses at night for 4 seconds. (average of once a fortnight) I get palpitations most days and when my heart pauses at night I do not feel it but wake up afterwards feeling very confused. I have been told on several occasions by clinicians that I need to have a pacemaker there and then! But then after speaking to the consultant/ surgeon they advise they want to monitor more. I'm confused do I need one but I am just been palmed off by the NHS? Please help anyone that has any knowledge/experience in this area? Thank you so much 



by Good Dog - 2016-12-23 17:30:28

It sure sounds like a PM would be helpful here. I would very much like to offer an answer, but this really is a question for a specially trained doctor (Cardiologist/Electrophysiologist) to answer. We do have lots of people here with PM's that had the same symptoms. I am sure that your doc's are being very cautious. Maybe too cautious from the standpoint that you could get relief from your symptoms with a PM. If I were you I'd get another opinion. I'd also press them for an answer to the same question you asked here. You deserve some answers and maybe some options as well. 

Keep the faith, but remember that you have to be your strongest advocate when dealing with the doctors. Don't let them off the hook.

BTW: Palpitations are harmless and nothing to worry about.



Thank you David

by Chantellerose - 2016-12-24 03:32:42

Thank you so much David for taking the time. I will be discussing this with them at my next appointment and trying to push for an answer. Thanks again 


by Ileen - 2016-12-24 18:19:42

Hi, I was in your place a couple of weeks ago. They told me I had 2, 3 second pauses . I  was getting etopics, waking up scared... I had a loop monitor in since last April. Well, the pauses wer in July, but they didn't tell me till the middle of november!! So, I was fairly miffed! They missed the flags ( I had a Linq monitor) I was waking up with panic attacks and fast heart rates that drove me to go hospital back in April. So... to make long story short, I went to the doctor, he said I  had Sick Sinus Syndrome. But, I had never fainted, dizzy or anything. I then went for a secound opionon , he agreed. I decided I better get it before I started passing out! But you are young,  ( I am 64) I understand your hesitiation. One thing I will say, I had mine 3 days ago, so a newbie here. Maybe you should get a second opiionon . Also I had my thyroid checked first because they said it could be that! ( It wasn't) I am fine and look forward to getting back to swimming etc.... I am very sore, but that is to be expected. The people on this site are so great and filled with more info. They took away alot of my fears. Try to relax and have a Merry Christmas!

Forgot to say!

by Ileen - 2016-12-24 18:21:13

God bless and keep you !! Ileen  And Good Dog and Ian Mac are wonderul help and very wise!!! ( many more too, you came to the right place!)

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Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.