Update on PM

Well, I was "soon to be wired " to WIRED.  I had my pacemaker placed on Friday, January 13th.  Of course, my pre-op room number was 13!  I had to laugh at my luck. Anyway, I was put under general anesthesia as I had the pacemaker placed under the pectoral muscle.  I did wake up with a great deal of swelling and pain and spent the night in the hospital. I was discharged on Saturday, taking Vicodin and using ice almost constantly.  Sunday I experienced severe pain and shortness of breath. I went back to the hospital via ambulance and was discharged today. After a CT scan and ultrasound it was determined that I had a blood clot in my arm. I still have some pain but am feeling a little better. I keep thinking everyday that it will be one less day of pain. I am looking forward to feeling better soon. All in all, I am still thankful that this device is here to help me. I did re-experience some anxiety during the placement and during my little hospital stay. I wanted to share my experience so others know that complications may occur and if you feel something is not right then get it checked out. I have also had trouble sleeping as my device kept pacing me at night. The EP said it can take the pacer 2 weeks to figure out your body and we can make adjustments after that.  I am hoping to feel better tomorrow. 


Lucky 13

by Grateful Heart - 2017-01-17 22:50:50

Way to go.....you listened to your body and new something wasn't right.  Good for you!  Sorry you had to go through that. 

It will take time.....give yourself that time.

Grateful Heart


by Loonylil - 2017-01-18 04:57:54

yes to the other comments! You are doing everything right and things will get better for you bit by bit. It is only early days so try not to get impatient and know that we are all there for you on your journey ❤


by TomL56 - 2017-01-18 11:46:09

We are in similar situations. I got my PM on Monday, January 9th. The first few days were rough but I''m doing much better now. Still wake up at night but manage to go back to sleep.

Hang in there. Things will get easier very soon.

update on PM

by dodgerblue - 2017-01-20 21:24:25

I am new here and scheduled next month for a pacemaker. Curious as to why yours was placed under your pectoralis? Was it by choice or by medical necessity? Thanks

You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

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I am active and healthy and have been given a second chance.