Sore.... weeks after surgery

Hi guys! I got my PM almost six weeks ago. I had been feeling great, back to myself, and virtually no pain. Five days ago I was simply vacuuming and picking up a few things around my house (nothing too heavy or over my shoulder) I then began to feel a soreness to where the incision line is and around it. It still is slightly swollen, sore, and even a bit painful to make some movements. I am I doing too much too soon? Call the doctor?! Help!


Take it easy!

by Hamsquatch - 2017-02-10 00:52:36

I would slow down for a few days and see if it still happens, I had mine implanted over two years ago and still if I tweak me left side the wrong way I will get pain/discomfort. Kind of feels like my device is trying to peel away from the flesh on the inside. 


by dumb - 2017-02-10 02:38:11

One thing I have learned is to stop and ice if I pull or feel stress in a muscle.  By taking immediate action the pain receptors do not start diring, I so not develop sore muscles. Works great as long as I follow my own rule.


You have not been using your muscles for six weeks, so it is to be expected to have a reaction to becoming active again.  I suggest at this point, tylenol, moist heat, GENTLE STRETCHING, "Gentle" is the key word.  You need to loosen up tight muscles, but gently.  Getting the area warm, then stretching followed by ice is the best plan.

In six weeks scar tissue forms and strangles muscle, you are able to reverse the tightness with gentle exercise.

If you have bright, fire engine red, oozing, green stuff or a nad smell go directly to ER.  ALWAYS CALL YOUR DOCTOR WHEN IN DOUBT.


Painful site

by Love - 2017-02-10 10:08:38

My first PM it was a few months for me before I felt much better.   I could not believe the soreness, painfulness and felt so stupid to complain.   I just had to take it easier for a longer time than I had thought I would.   Remember asking at the clinic and they did not seem concerned so neither was I.  Hope and will bet you will be feeling better soon  :)

Activity and exercise

by oldearthworm - 2017-02-10 10:55:30

I do not think that the medical profession goes into NOT nearly enough detail  here .. 

I was , of course, very lucky here, never any pain or soreness that I remember.. but many are not so fortuniate.. I'd seek out some body/muscle/exercise/activity  advice  ..


by Gotrhythm - 2017-02-10 11:09:59

It took several months for the swelling to go down completely. If the site is hot or red, call the doctor immediately. Otherwise, ice and gentle stretching are the key. I was given shoulder exercises to do by my doctor, but you can find shoulder mobilitly exercises on the web.

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