3 Days Post Op

On Friday, I joined those of us who are "electrified" with my very own Boston Scientific Accolade MRI EL.  They tell me the surgery was a success and my resting pulse is above 50 for the first time in my adult life.  

I feel like I've been punched in the shoulder a few times but some Tylenol and ice are keeping the pain reasonable.  

Looking forward to the pain easing off and getting out and walking some.  The weather in North Carolina should be favorable for that this week.  

Any feedback or suggestions on what else I should be doing is appreciated.  Thank you all in advance.  


Recovery from PM insertion

by Selwyn - 2017-03-05 13:51:47

Ha! I see they finally got to you. Welcome to the club.

 I would be keeping the surgical wound dry until well healed ( should be about 2 weeks). Almost full wound strength is  obtained by 6 weeks. In the UK you cannot drive for 1 week after an implant of PM. Report any increasing pain, or redness at the wound site. 

There is little evidence to support arm movment restriction ( see previous posts on this subject- under search, above), so I would go with whatever feels comfortable and have no set plan. You certainly don't want a stiff shoulder. 

As you are now in a position to get yourself fitter than you have been before the procedure, that is what I would set myself to do. Gradually increasing the amount of exercise taken on a week to week basis. Walking seems ideal, as you suggest, though I found as I was not able to drive, bike riding was beneficial ( your arms are down, and you are not jogging around too much). Certainly, in the first week I was riding 10 miles per day, though I would not recommend this if your general level of fitness has not been good prior to insertion. It is always best to go with what is comfortable. 

Remember, the vast majority of people having a pacemaker  insertion go from having a health problem to having an annual PM check.  There are a lot of posts here at the PM club about exercise.

Do make sure that your rate response is turned on ( ask at the first check up) so that your pulse rate rises on exercise. I think ( given my recent posts) I would also want to have a bipolar setting ( ask at the first check up).



Welcome to the club!

by admin - 2017-03-05 17:10:18

We're glad you found us.  Keep from lifting your arms above your head for a few weeks.  You don't want a wire being dislodged from your heart muscle.  Lifting your arms will put a strain on the wires which should be avoided.

If you feel like walking, I'd encourage that.  Fresh air and some light exercise are good medicine.


You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.