Even more symptomatic after pm surgery

Hello all!

My name is Jen and I'm 36. I was diagnosed with Mobitz 2. I just had my pm placed a week ago. My question is, is it normal to be even more symptomatic then before pm surgery? I experienced fainting and slight feelings arrhythmia before but not anything like I feel now. There is no certain time I feel it. It's all the time. At rest. When I'm being active. It's like my heart is doing cartwheels and it takes my breath away. My pm rep said I'm pacing just fine but I don't feel like this could be right. How can it be worse now vs before?

Thanks guys!



by Hamsquatch - 2017-03-16 21:38:33

I can't comment on your diagnosis but I did also feel my symptoms more after diagnosis/implant/meds. I just feel I'm more aware of things going on with my heart, medications could be causing you symptoms as well.

Mental health is very important, ever more so with cardiac patients.

Also make sure to keep hydrated.


by ellenmary - 2017-03-16 22:37:48

I am 5 weeks into recovery with a St. Jude's PM implanted.  Had complications of a small pneumothorax and then bronchitis, along with the bruised rib from the clumsy fall that precipitated all of this.  So I am just now starting to feel like I can see a light at the end of a very long tunnel. But I "feel" my heart beat more than before as well.  I do agree with Hamsquatch that we are more aware now.  And yes, the mental health side is very important.  And staying hydrated of course!  

I don't know about everyone else, but I feel more fragile than before, even more than after a bout with early stage breast cancer 3 years ago.  Heart stuff is SCARY!  And no one knows yet what caused me to flatline for 8+ seconds. I have a seizure disorder, so fainting is not unusual for me.  Now the question to be answered is which caused what...neurology vs cardiology in a very long debate.  Obviously the heart block had to be addressed right away, now the rest will be, hopefully,  with yet another specialist this month.  

I am slowly getting back to walking on my treadmill, but still leary of walking outside in case I feel funny. 70th b'day next month, and I felt just fine before all of this.  Just had a low heart rate and what I think now had been vagus nerve issues.  Trying to leave the pity party and be grateful, but some days it is hard.  Getting old is NOT for the weak! I am glad I found this website and forum! 


by Tracey_E - 2017-03-17 10:31:17

First of all, talk to the doctor, not the rep. It's possible that it's unnecessarily getting your rate up on activity. That's a feature called rate response and it may need adjusted, or even turned off because with heart block we generally don't need it. If it's turned on, the pacer senses movement and raises your rate for you. 

Second, how low was your rate before? Mine was in the 30's so I felt like I was supercharged on caffeine for months after. It wasn't that my rate was that fast, it's that I'd never had a normal rate before so it was double what i was used to. Now, it feels normal . 


by Chantellerose - 2017-03-17 14:56:20

Hi there, I spoke to my consultant with the Same issue they said when you are young (I'm 33) you are more sensitive for the pacing. It's also quite an anxious time that first week so every single thing your body does can turn into a panic. I'm 2 weeks in nearly and getting used to it more every day. Stick with it and try not to panic and good luck :)

Rate response

by Jenny2017 - 2017-04-09 19:37:32

I had my first device check and they turned off rate response. Been feeling great since then. Thanks TraceyE! :)

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